Sometimes people have unrealistic thinking that they will not get the virus and fail to follow the rules. The consequence is that either they get sick themselves or spread the disease to others. But when you pursue the safety tips then you get the following advantages.
Keeping Staff Members Safe
The closest people around the Outdoor Shutter Blinds installers team are the staff members and colleagues. They are the ones who are working closely. Their protection should be the priority of the team and the company.
Protecting The Clients
Next, comes the clients who are to be safeguarded from the Coronavirus. If you are not being careful then the client will avoid hiring your team for the next job.
Minimizing The Spread Of Virus
Scientists have concluded that protecting yourself is the only way to keep others and yourself safe. This can happen when the spread of the virus is reduced.
Maintaining Your Safety
Everyone has to play an important role in minimizing the spread of the virus. This can be done by first protecting yourself. This helps to maintain your safety.
8 Tips Followed By Outdoor Shutter Blinds Installers
The team of installers working for various blind installation companies like Outdoor Blinds Southwest is following safety tips that will not only be great for the clients; but also the company and its other staff members.
Offering Safe Home Consultation
The restriction of not visiting homes at all has been eased and staff members can go to homes and offer consultation and also install the window blinds. But following the safety regulations is a must.
Option Of Online Appointment
If clients are not comfortable about the home visit of installers; then the companies have the option of an online appointment. This will make sure that the clients and company are well connected.
Cleaning And Sanitizing Hands
Before entering the house of a client; the installation staff must either wash their hands or sanitize them. Both practices are very effective to decrease the spread of the virus.
No Hand-Shaking Or Hugging
People forget and they shake hands and even start hugging. This is very dangerous because it threatens the safety of people. So make sure the staff remembers to avoid hugging and even a simple hand-shake.
Disinfecting Everything After Installation
The installation process can be a messy one; if the steps of installation from the cutting to the fitting of the blinds are done at home. The installation team also provides the services of post-installation clean-up and sanitizing everything.
Wearing Masks And Gloves
Wearing gloves and masks is one of the most rules that everyone has to follow. The gloves and masks have to be worn all the time during the home visit.
Practicing Social Distancing
If the team has come for the initial visit then both the staff and the client must keep a safe distance from each other.
Sending Quote via Email
To ensure that no extra contact is initiated the Outdoor Shutter Blinds company will send the quote and other important documents via email.
These are the most important safety steps that window treatment companies and staff should take.
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