Good first aid is essential for your business. It’s more than just a band-aid over a cut, or a sling around a sore arm. You need to be prepared for the big things, concussions, allergies, spinal injuries and more. Not being ready can mean big consequences, not just for the person who is missing out on adequate help, but also potentially legal complications. What are some common first aid kit blunders made in many businesses?
Items in date.
You wouldn’t want to eat old out of date food, or drive a car that had never been serviced. In the same way, when it comes to first aid equipment, out of date items can cause big problems. How can you fix this mistake? In the workplace, keeping items in date often is “someone else’s role.” It’s good to designate someone to check all kits, even ones in cars every three months or so. If something is due to go out of date soon, replace it immediately.
Staying Organised
In an emergency, what’s going to happen to your first aid kit? In the rush, items will get disorganised and thrown around. It’s important to keep on top of this. Cleaning and organising kits make it so much easier to keep things easy to find in an emergency. Again, this is not the sort of thing to gamble with. Make sure to have someone assigned to regularly check up on kit organisation. First Aid servicing businesses can also do this for you.
Waste Not Want Yes
So many businesses want to be frugal and avoid wasting first aid items. So, when it comes to first aid, they try to reuse items. Is this, ok? No. First Aid products are designed to be sterile. Reusing items creates a risk of infection. Also, items tend to deteriorate once their packages are opened. What can you do to cut down on wastage? Get small versions of products. Think about the size of the product you need to meet your risks.
Right Gear
So, you’ve nailed everything in this list, everything’s, neat tidy and uniform. So, is it all ok? Not necessarily. Different areas of your business can face different hazards. A neat tidy kit is great, but if you don’t have the right items, you won’t be able to treat an emergency. Think of this example, you work in a business where chemicals are stored and moved. There is a spill, and some chemical ends up in someone’s eye. You might have a great kit, but it doesn’t contain any eye pads or eye wash. Your left in the lurch, not able to provide quality treatment. How much better it is beforehand to get a first aid kit that meets your needs.
So, when it comes to good first aid for your business, remember the following: Keep your items in date. Keep your kits organised. Don’t half use items and Select the Right Gear. If you do, you will be well on the way to providing great first aid.