It is estimated that there are almost 100 million birds killed by these wires every year. In many cases, the bird is electrocuted and dies from the shock. The bird’s body then acts as a conductor, sending electricity through its feathers to other parts of its body until it is fatal for the bird. This article shows you how installing a bird diverter can help prevent this from happening again!
Benefits of a bird diverter
Installing a bird diverter in electrical wires can be beneficial to birds and wires protection. Here are some of the benefits:
-It can prevent birds from getting electrocuted.
-It can help keep the environment clean.
-It can reduce noise and interference.
Tips on installing a bird diverter
Birds are attracted to electricity like bees are to honey, and they’ll fly into power lines to deposit their droppings. This can lead to safety issues and damage to wiring, so it’s important to install a bird diverter if you have overhead electrical wires. Here are a few tips for installing a bird diverter:
- Choose the right type of diverter.
- Plan where you’ll install the diverter.
Installing a bird diverter in electrical wires not only saves animals from electrocution but can also help protect the wiring itself. By diverting birds away from the wires, potential problems caused by their droppings or feathers are eliminated.