If you own a small business then you need all the help you can get in this tough economy. One way to help with your bottom line is by accepting credit cards in your store. Cash is still king in most cases but there are times when people want to make larger purchases with their credit cards instead of cash. Give customers what they want and make it easy on them by accepting credit cards.
If you already accept credit cards and want to take your business to the next level, processing through a merchant services company can help. There are several companies out there but only one Host Merchant Services . Not only do we process over 30 different credit cards including American Express, Discover and even Bitcoin, but we also offer the best equipment in the industry for your business. This means free terminals for qualified customers (Contact us if you qualify). All our equipment is PCI compliant meaning it meets or exceeds security requirements set by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council .
Equipment aside, Host Merchant Services provides credit card processing services with low markups and no hidden fees. Other companies charge you up to 5% on every transaction but Host Merchant Services only charges 1%. We also offer cash advances at low rates with no application fee. When applying for credit limit increase the application fee is waived.
Credit usage reports are emailed out each month so you can see where your money is coming from and when it’s going out. We also have a feature that allows you to categorize your daily card sales by type of business, category or subcategory for later review to see if there are patterns in the way your business is making money each day. Cash flow is important and with credit cards you can keep track at any given time.
Host Merchant Services offers 24/7 customer service via phone or online. Choose the communication method that works best for you. If you’re having equipment issues or any problem with credit card processing, contact us at anytime and we will help. We are here to help grow your business!
Now that you know all about our credit card processing services maybe it’s time to upgrade your store today. If you qualify, our free terminals can be up and running in as little as 3 to 5 business days.
Why Choose Host Merchant Services for Credit Card Processing Services?
When you choose Host Merchant Services as your credit card processing company, you’ll enjoy an exceptional customer experience from Day One. Our U.S.-based customer service is available 24/7, so you’ll never have to worry about answering late-night phone calls or emails. You can choose between a virtual terminal, credit card machine of mobile card reader for your convenience.
What are the Benefits of Credit Card Processing with Host Merchant Services?
The benefits include minimal equipment costs, low markups and transparent pricing. You’ll also enjoy excellent customer service, convenient features like cash advances and the ability to increase your credit line whenever you need it.