One of the most common questions we get asked: Can anyone learn to sing? If you type this question into Google, you will immediately find two clear answers: one says yes with conviction, the other says no with equal conviction. Both camps are somehow right – but it’s not quite that simple! By the way – from our subjective experience: most people can learn to sing! Do you belong Here is our answer in detail:
Much depends on how one defines singing: in Wikipedia, for example, singing is defined as the musical use of the voice, in contrast to speaking; it produces specific pitches within a specific tonal system. Therefore, when we say that singing also means hitting and holding the right notes, then not everyone can actually learn to sing. Some people just never achieve the ability to hit and hold consecutive notes – colloquially referred to as “singing properly”.
On the other hand: when a toddler starts to sing,
The tones are usually not right at the beginning either. Would we say here: the child does not sing (yet)? Hardly likely! So if we understand singing as producing tones, which is clearly different from speaking and it is not yet about the uninterrupted hitting of the tones, i.e. clean intonation, one can say: Yes, basically everyone can learn to sing – it’s just a question the question how good. The singer then sings wrong or right, but he or she sings!
What you need to learn to sing:
If we stay with the second definition and therefore say: Yes, everyone can learn to 강남 셔츠룸! But then there are a few restrictions: our instrument, i.e. our body or, strictly speaking, the vocal apparatus – vocal cords, larynx, diaphragm, resonance chambers – must of course be healthy. This is – regardless of the definition – the basic requirement! If that’s the case, there’s no reason why everyone shouldn’t be able to produce sound with it and consequently learn how to do it!
Can anyone learn to write?
We’ll probably never ask ourselves that question! But basically it’s the same: if the basic requirements are met – at least a healthy hand – then nobody would doubt that anyone can learn to write. Some write beautifully, others have a barely legible handwriting – but both write! It’s the same with singing.And how important is talent?
This question brings us to the first definition:
Only those who manage to hit the right notes actually sing. Then you have to say: No, not everyone can learn to sing. Some people simply have too little musicality – we can also call it talent – even after years of training, they will not or only occasionally be able to hit or hold notes with their voice. Here’s another example: some people simply find it difficult to do math at school: no matter how much they practice and learn, the field of numbers will never open up to them, for others very simple processes will never become logical or self-evident for them.
Apart from a minimum talent you must of course also sing or want to learn to sing. For example, I know musicians (talent, musicality, hearing, so I’m sure there) who just don’t want to sing. So if someone doesn’t want to show their voice (one of the most personal things a person has in communicating with others), even the best singing lessons will not help.
Incidentally, talent also determines how much effort a singer has to put in to become really good. With a lot of talent you can make progress that other singers with less talent need much more time, practice and training to achieve.
Are the big voices – the stars – then all exceptional talents?
Of course, everyone has a certain talent and many of them will certainly be talented above average. But what you shouldn’t forget: most of them just put a lot of work into their voice! With diligence, perseverance and the right singing lessons, a lack of talent can be compensated – of course only to a certain extent.
And if you want to know if you have potential as a singer, just come to a free trial lesson! There you can get to know the Top Voice singing school and get a competent assessment! By the way, trial lessons are just as possible as lessons via Skype or Face time. Here you can make an appointment.