It’s no secret that smoking tobacco cigarettes is hazardous to human health. In most countries, tobacco smoking conditions have been termed as the leading preventable cause of death. However, switching to vaping as a nicotine replacement therapy can be the perfect solution for both you and those surrounding you.
The benefits of switching from tobacco cigarettes to vaping start manifesting within the first 8 hours and gets better as time goes by. Almost all the damage caused by tobacco cigarettes can be undone if you maintain your newfound habit. Vaping will not prevent you from undoing the damage caused by tobacco cigarettes but rather help curb the nicotine cravings you might experience while quitting. Below is a compilation of what to expect when switching from smoking to vaping.
The Cost Of Vaping Compared To Smoking
Vaping is a lot less costly than smoking. When your first switch to vaping, the initial cost will be more than a packet of cigarettes. It will be in your best interest if you get yourself some extra coils and e-liquid. The cost of these can be compensated by not vaping for four days. For most people, the starter kit is usually enough, while others prefer upgrading their kit. It’s advisable that you request a hands-on demonstration if you are to get the right setup and avoid unnecessary expenses. Once you are all set, vaping will be a lot cheaper than buying a packet of cigarettes every now and then.
The Switching Process
Switching from smoking to vaping varies with different people. Some, once they get a taste of vaping, never go back to smoking, while others take a little longer to adapt. Vaping can be a little bit complicated compared to smoking. Unlike the simple design of almost all brands of cigarettes, vaping requires a bit of maintenance. You will have to refill the e-liquid after using as well as change the coils. The technique of inhaling is also differs from cigarettes.
Getting the right nicotine strength and flavour is key, depending on your smoking rate. Most of those switching from smoking to vaping prefer using tobacco flavour or menthol e-liquid. In the long run you may switch to something different.
However, those looking to quit smoking quickly keep away from tobacco flavours to help hasten the process.
Is important to mention that this transition is not always a walk in the park. You might experience some few withdrawal symptoms in the process. Here we discuss some of the things you’ll go through to make the transition easier.
Frequent Coughing
Coughing is a common symptom during this transition. This should rather give joy than alarm you. Coughing means your body is getting rid of toxins and blockage in the airways. Cigarette smoking results to a build-up of tar on the tissue surface of the lungs according to your rate of smoking. E-liquid is completely free of tar. During the initial stages of vaping, you might experience frequent coughing. This is because the cilia in your lungs is getting rid of the mucus and tar and dumping it out in form of a cough. Once the airways are clear, the cough will eventually subside. Drinking lots of water helps deal with the situation.
Cigarette smoking leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching certain parts of the body due to a reduced rate of blood circulation. The body would then adapt by prioritizing important organs of the body, therefore, denying other parts enough oxygen. When you start vaping, they’ll be an increase in blood circulation; thus, your body is exposed to more oxygen than it’s used, which might cause dizziness.
Making the switch from smoking to vaping is a huge step towards improving the health of any smoker. Both you and those around you will benefit from this change.