Did you ever consider pretending that you are sick for a couple of days to give yourself some time off? Although you know you aren’t going insane, you still want to make people believe you are sick. Relax. This article will show you how to create fake sicknesses.
Fever, sneezing, or sweating are some of the most common symptoms. Here are some ways to get rid of them all.
A fever is not always a pleasant experience. This is especially true for those who have many work obligations and don’t want the morning commute. These are steps to help you avoid getting sick at work and school.
How to get fever and high temperature
Refreshing ice-cold waters are a must.
- Don’t eat anything.
- Don’t overexert your limits by exercising beyond your ability
- Do not take a shower in hot water. Instead, wash your body in cold water. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times.
- Sleep as little as possible.
- You can pray to God for your fever wish. (Since he once in a while gets applications for fever who realizes he may give your desire)
Be careful what you’re doing so that it is kept secret. It is best to keep this secret from your boss and parents.
A cough
Fake a Cough
If you want to fake a cough in front of your spouse or boss, or your parents if you’re a student, prepare for it in the days before. Smokers should double their consumption of cigarettes in the shortest time possible. Smoking is a harmful habit that can lead to health problems. This advice should only be used if you are willing to do anything to make yourself sick, and therefore avoid working.
For students, it is best to drink cold beverages as soon as you can, particularly after exercising when your body has already warmed up. Along these lines, you will most presumably cause a few manifestations (fever, sore throat, hoarseness…) yet you will certainly guarantee a notable hack because of affliction.
If you are looking for how to get sick fast You can act out your cough and not cause any harm if you are an actor. This is the best way to go.
Faking headache
How to Fake a Headache
It is easy to pretend to have a headache. It is basically impossible to know whether it is valid or not. Given that it is so easy to make a headache look real, you don’t even have to cause one. And honestly, it is not difficult to do. Spend some time in a dangerous drought, or something similar, if you feel the need.
You must fake the headache and hypersensitivity to light, as well as external factors, in order to create the illusion of a headache. You should act out the pain, go to bed early and convince everyone that tomorrow is not possible.
A loss of appetite
This is one of the main symptoms you need to have in order to successfully fake a fever or cold. If you want to know how to make yourself sick for real then You can refuse all food offered to you.
If you have a hoarse vocal chord, it is best to sing loudly the night before. The next day, your voice will be completely hoarse.
These tips can help you avoid a bad day at work or school. However, you should be aware that you might become sick if you do not follow these steps.
Disclaimer: The data on this site is for general data as it were. It’s anything but planned to supplant proficient clinical exhortation. Any questions or concerns regarding your condition should be directed to your healthcare provider.