A major threat that is affecting the whole world today is negative changes in the climate. Governments of different countries are trying their best to reduce the effects of climate change. But it is up to the people to play their part as well. One thing that they can do which is cost-efficient is installing Emerald Zoysia on their lawn.
Will Emerald Zoysia Give Advantages?
Although there are other things that people can do like install solar-powered appliances, travel short distances on a bicycle, and keep the lights and appliances off when you are not using them. But the option that you can use is applying sod grass as maintenance is low and healthy for the environment.
Why Does the Environment Become Damage?
The development of new technologies and advancements in the industry sector has made life easier, but the damages done to the environment are more. Many of the negative impacts are irreversible. Scientists and researchers have pointed out the following reasons for damage to the environment.
Increase in Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse gases combine several gases, including nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, found naturally in the atmosphere. When these gases are trapped in the atmosphere, they increase the temperature. This leads to severe consequences that will be mentioned later.
Continuous Deforestation
Trees are the best-known source of getting oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. But today trees are being cut for mainly two reasons. The first reason is that trees are being used for fuel. The second reason is to create space for urbanization.
Burning Fuel for Energy
When coal, wood, and other fuels are burned to provide energy to homes and power industries, they emit harmful greenhouse gases that damage the environment. These damages include a rise in Earth’s temperature, falling of acid rain, various respiratory issues, and the creation of poisonous gases. Industries burn fuel so that their production can increase.
Global Warming
The term global warming is defined as the constant increase in the average temperature of the Earth. Factors mentioned above have contributed to this phenomenon, and climate change is directly related to it. The increase in the temperature was observed before the industrial period started. At this time, fossil fuel was burnt to power industries and homes.
What Will be the Consequences of Environmental Changes?
The consequences of environmental changes have started to show. Although the pace of this increase is slow, if deforestation is continuous, greenhouse gases are emitted regularly, and fuel is burnt without pause, then the speed of climate change will pick up.
How is Emerald Zoysia Sod Benefiting the Environment?
Many things can be done to decrease the effects of climate change, as mentioned in the beginning. But planting sod grass that you can order from companies like Atlanta Sod Farms will benefit the environment in the following excellent ways.
Enhancing the Quality of Air
Leaves of trees are known to absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen through photosynthesis. This process is also used by grass, and the amount of oxygen increases because the leaves are denser. Increased oxygen enhances the quality of air.
Preventing Erosion of Land
In many places, the soil is loose from the ground and starts to erode from its place. Scientists have suggested laying Zeon Zoysia sod, Jamur Zoysia, and Emerald Zoysia as the roots firmly grip the grounds. This is a great idea to make sure that erosion is avoided.
Water Run-Off is Controlled
A ground without sod grass will not hold water as it will runoff, and the land might remain dry. But the area where the grass is installed, the tick grass traps the water for a longer time. As the water is absorbed in the soil, it lowers the risk of floods occurring and erosion.
Reducing Overall Temperature
The ratio of increased quantity of greenhouse gases can be equaled by planting trees and having greenery. As the greenhouse gases decrease, so will the harmful effects like global warming make the environment cooler.
Minimizing Stress and Increasing Wellness
The green color has known to be soothing to the eyes and minimizes stress. Also, the increased amount of oxygen improves health and boosts wellness. Walking on grass for thirty minutes will release muscles tension, improve memory and attention, lower aggression, fear, and anger, and control blood pressure.
Decreasing Noise Pollution
The main reason you hear many noises in urban cities is that sounds bounce off from hard surfaces and increase the intensity. But when you walk on grass, the sounds are less made, thus decreasing noise pollution.
Extra Water is Not Wasted
You have to water only once a week for all kinds of sod grass, including Emerald Zoysia. The quantity of water applied is also less; only one inch of water is needed.
It is important to know the causes and consequences of environmental changes and the benefits of installing sod grass to the Earth’s environment.