The price of Vivo Y20 is Rs. 25,999. It is a relatively cheap phone, offering a good set of features for a reasonable price. The smartphone comes with four gigabytes of RAM, helping the handset process information more quickly. It is expected to run on Android 10, which means that it will be more advanced and support the latest features. The device will also have a Triple camera setup on the rear, which is another big selling point.
The Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan is around Rs. 25900. The prices are from the official website of Vivo, as well as from warranty providers. You can purchase the device at online stores, local stores, or unauthorized retail outlets. If you want a refurbished phone, some online retailers sell them with a warranty. Always check with the store in your area to be sure of the best deal.
Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan is approximately Rs. 25900. The best price available is at an authorized Vivo dealer, which has warranty providers and will honor the manufacturer’s warranty. If you find a cheaper deal on a used phone, you can also consider buying a second-hand model. These phones usually have a warranty, and a high-quality warranty is worth the additional cost.
Listed on Google Play Console
Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan has recently been listed on Google Play Console. Despite its relatively low price, it has mid-range specs. Its Snapdragon 460 CPU is a common feature among low-cost smartphones. This device is aimed at the savvy user who can’t afford a high-end smartphone. Although it doesn’t have the best screen resolution, the Vivo Y20 is still giving Samsung a run for their money. And its price has pleased users on a tight budget.
The Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan is Rs. 25900. Its price is equivalent to $214 USD in the USA. The Vivo Y20 is also available in India and other countries where the manufacturer provides warranty. The smartphone is a lightweight and stylish smartphone, with many features. Its RAM capacity is middle-range, making it a good choice for most people. The battery is a great feature for this type of device.
Vivo Y20 a Mid-Range Device
Its price is expected to be Rs. 34,800. The Vivo Y20 is a mid-range device with decent specs. The battery is powerful and has fast charging. The smartphone’s battery can last a long time, so it’s essential to buy a charger to make sure the battery is charged correctly. The Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan is a good option for savvy users.
The Vivo Y20 is a budget-friendly smartphone with a 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM. It comes in black and white color options and supports 720p resolution. Its battery is rated at 5000 mAh, and it has 18W fast charging. There are several online retailers in Pakistan that sell the Vivo Y20 in four different colours. When you shop in Pakistan, make sure to compare prices across the board.
Decent Specs and Features
As you can see, the Vivo Y20 has decent specs and features. Its price in Pakistan will be around Rs. 34,800. It will be launched in the country on December 15, 2020. It is available in black, white, and grey colors. It is a budget phone and has a lot of useful features. Its specifications are rounded and it has a fingerprint scanner for a fingerprint-free experience.
The Vivo Y20 is available for Rs. 25900 in Pakistan. The device has 4GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage. This is adequate for basic usage. The phone comes with a Snapdragon 460 gaming chip, so it can be used for light gaming. The battery life is a key feature, and the Y20’s 5000mAh battery will last a day for the average user.
The Vivo Y20 price in Pakistan 4 128 is $41,800. It will be launched in the country on December 15 2020. The price of Vivo Y20 in Pakistan is expected to be $214. Its price in other countries is different, but the market is likely to vary. There is no warranty on the Vivo Y20. If the phone is defective, the price is a major concern.