Although being a stay-at-home mom can be exhausting, many SAHMs find ways to make a little extra money from their homes. Problem is that most of the work they do doesn’t make a lot. It’s also difficult to find better-paying jobs due to the flexibility that is required. It’s easier to work around your schedule and save time. Virtual bookkeeping is a great work-from-home career because of its flexibility and pay.
Let’s start with what does a bookkeeper do?
Bookkeepers maintain the financial records of businesses in top shape. Bookkeeping is similar to the way SAHMs keep their household finances in order. Bookkeepers are responsible for keeping track of transactions and financial records and making sure that the business is ready and available when it comes time to file taxes.
The reporting and tracking part is what most bookkeepers do. They keep track of transactions and provide monthly reports to the business owner. Bookkeepers can also be interpreters, explaining the report’s implications on the business. Great bookkeepers go beyond that and guide the business owner on how to use the information to make the client’s business more profitable, efficient, and successful.
Virtually everything financial can be done online or tracked. This makes it easy to do this work remotely. You can think about it this way: With mobile banking, receipts being sent electronically, and the ability to transfer funds from your computer, how often do we need to visit the bank? Technology has made it possible to eliminate the need for a bookkeeper.
Create your schedule
While stay-at-home moms excel at planning, they also have the ability to adapt and change plans as needed. Virtual bookkeeping is a great career because you can control your own schedule. You don’t need to miss work or call in sick if something unexpected happens. When things calm down, you can still work that day.
As long as you are able to mark where you left off, and keep detailed notes, handling numbers and financials can be done in short bursts if you have the time. Communicating with clients is one of the most important times that you should make sure to set aside some time each day. You can still schedule the time and calls to work around your schedule.
There are tons of opportunities
Every day, new businesses are created. Chances are that most of these business owners don’t know how to manage their finances. If you find it difficult to find clients, there are thousands if not hundreds of job listings online that are specifically looking for virtual bookkeepers. You don’t have to be restricted by geography in order to find clients.
You can also work with local businesses. Just because you work remotely doesn’t mean that your customer must be located three thousand miles away. Virtual bookkeeping can be done from anywhere, no matter where your clients live. There are always opportunities.
You decide how much time you are worth
You can work remotely for any number of bookkeeping companies, but you also have the option to start your own business. This gives you complete control over every aspect of your work. You can choose your clients and how much work you would like to do.
If you own your own bookkeeping business, you don’t need to be a bookkeeper forever
You have the option to work in a bookkeeping business or your own. If you decide to start your own company, you can also hire people who work for others. Callie Sitek, a SAHM, took a course to learn how to run a bookkeeping company. After building her business, she now focuses on her bookkeeping business and the bookkeeping for her clients.
Bookkeepers will always be needed by companies. It is possible to fall in love with bookkeeping and make it your long-term home-based career. You may decide to quit actual bookkeeping and work remotely running your own business. Virtual bookkeeping offers the opportunity to grow and change, which is why it is one of the most rewarding work-from-home careers.