Translation of certificates for the embassy, visa, study, work is one of the most demanded types of translation. Many government agencies require, when submitting various documents, to provide certificates from the place of study, work, residence, etc. And if it is somehow connected with a trip to other countries, then you will also need to provide a translation of these certificates.
At first glance, this kind of activity is quite simple, since the help refers to template documents. However, the translator needs to know some peculiarities so that the document is translated and executed in accordance with all the rules.
How the cost of certificates is calculated
In our work, we most often come across the translation of template documents, such as certificates. The price will be calculated based on 1 conditional page, even if the text takes up less space. When ordering from the agency a translation of a marriage certificate translation in UK, you can count on the fact that one page will cost 30 GBP. Other types of standard documents in other languages are assessed by the same criterion. You can find out more about prices by visiting a special section on our website.
There are cases when the certificate cannot be considered as a template document, and then the translation will be assessed by the number of characters in the text. The complexity of the text does not affect the cost of the work, therefore the price for the translation of a medical certificate will correspond to the price for the same work, but with a certificate from the place of work.
But it should be borne in mind that the urgency of the order will affect the final cost. In this case, the margin will be half of the price for the standard translation speed for general texts. Translation of certificates for the embassy , performed in the usual time, will be 30 hryvnia, and urgently – 45 hryvnia. If you have any additional questions about the timing and cost specifically for your order, you can contact our managers to clarify the details in any convenient way.
Terms for translation of certificates
After you confirm your order, the translation of the certificate will be completed the next business day. These are the standard terms with which we work. Our translator will be able to process up to 12 certificates per day, since these documents are small in volume. To make it easier for you to calculate your budget, you can send copies of the certificates for assessment to our e-mail address, and in 15 minutes you will find out all the information about the price and terms.
It is desirable that the scanned copy is of good quality, then you will not have to pay extra for poor readability. Also, if you need to translate into an unpopular foreign language, there will be a small extra charge. Prices for the translation of the reference can be found in the corresponding section of the website.
Two types of certification of the translation of certificates
Many government and commercial institutions require that the translation of the certificate be certified by a notary . For others, it is enough for the document to be certified by the seal of the translation agency . Embassies of different countries can also put forward different requirements for the types of certification of documents. For example, the Austrian embassy is more loyal to this than the British embassy , and does not require notarization, but only with the agency’s seal. Before contacting our agency for these services, find out what kind of certification is required.
In any case, it is important to understand what exactly is the difference between certified and notarized certification. When translation of certificatescertified by a notary, this means that this document acquires the same legal force as its original. In the case of certification with the agency’s seal, this cannot be said about the document. Our managers will tell you in more detail about these procedures.
Translation of certificates: what is important to consider
The main criterion that every translator should be guided by is the correspondence of the translation of the reference to the original. For this, the specialist must be well versed in how to correctly convey the various names of organizations, settlements, names and surnames of individuals during the translation process. To avoid unnecessary difficulties and wasting time, many clients immediately provide a translation of all the names found in the text. If such data is not provided, then our specialists translate the full name and other words in accordance with the transliteration rules developed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. But due to the fact that the regulations are often revised and changed, it is better to find out all the details on transcription and transliteration before starting work on the order.
Before starting to cooperate with us, send documents to our mail, indicating in the accompanying letter some details: foreign language, type of certification, terms, etc. Within a few minutes you will be given a full answer from the manager about the timing and cost of translation of certificates .