The stock market is a place with both risk and return. The stock market is also known as Bangladesh’s share bazar and share market. It is where companies collect funds for their ongoing or future projects through IPO, and investors invest their surplus funds to take capital gain and dividend income.
Investment in the stock market poses a risk and return, and the process is not easy. It requires patience, knowledge, skills, and money. Moreover, investing in share bazar also needs to be updated with the economy and geopolitical situation worldwide.
There are some steps for investing in the stock market.
Choosing a Brokerage House
The first step in the stock market journey is to choose the right brokerage house for trading stocks, bonds, mutual funds, equities, and other financial securities. One should consider the following factors before choosing a stock brokerage house –
- The business history of the brokerage house
- Who are the owners
- Do they have any credit ratings?
- Services and facilities to ease the trading
- What is the perception of existing clients?
You can also read the “How to choose a brokerage firm” blog to understand better.
There are around 300 brokerage firms in the Bangladesh Capital Market Industry and a total of 750 plus market participants. It is tough to choose the right brokerage house for trading. Knowledge College has gone through with all the brokerage houses and other participants’ features and services. They have identified the “Top Stock Brokerage Firms in Bangladesh.” The detailed article portrays a deep analysis of investors’ most needed services and comfort in trading.
Learn Everything about BO Account
BO Account stands for Beneficiary Owners Account. An investor can open an individual or joint account in any listed brokerage house in Bangladesh. The requirement to open a BO account is as follows –
- Passport Size photo (2 copies)
- Photo ID (National Identity Card/Passport/Driving License)
- Bank Certificate
- Nominee Information (Photo and Photo ID)
- BO Opening Fee or CDBL Fee (Tk. 450 to Tk. 550)
A BO account is like a bank account where all the shares are stored, and transactions and settlements happen. Investors can check your holdings of shares or stocks or bonds or mutual funds and mature or available funds in your portfolio.
Investors can track back the transactions’ history with this account in the ledger section.
Knowledge College BD has an article on “Learning all about Beneficiary Owners (BO) Account” on their website.
Investment Knowledge
Investment knowledge is a primary thing before starting an investment in the stock market. There are so many things to learn to begin –
- Economy
- Industry
- Company
- Fundamental Analysis
- Technical Analysis and
- Market Sentiment Analysis
Knowledge College provides a wide range of courses on these topics.
Knowledge College is a platform where anyone can learn about the stock market, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and market sentiment with all the necessary materials. In addition, it is a place where investors can quickly learn about various share market topics.