We are going to analyze the key points when requesting a budget to develop an app. As you can imagine, and luckily, we receive many budget requests and there are questions and patterns that are repeated. If you opt for app builder then you can make an app for just a few dollars.
First thing we should think about is if we should create an app. We have already commented that not all companies should have their mobile app, so this is undoubtedly the first question to ask. But since we want to talk about this topic today, we are going to suppose that yes, our app will provide giving value to visitors, and hence we do need a mobile application. Using app creator is the best option for app development in this case.
Prior to launching to ask for a budget there are several points that you must take into account.
Competitor analysis:
The first thing is that you must analyzed the contest a bit. Without the intention of being arrogant, when we see that someone doen’t know that there is competition from our app, it gives a very bad image of their project. The first thing is to investigate well in Google Play and in the App Store what your competition is doing. If you don’t know your product well, no one will, and you will start to have problems.
What platforms do you want to go to? Currently we only take care of iOS and Android, since the other platforms have been totally deprecated. There are 2 points here to keep in mind:
Do you want to go out on both platforms simultaneously? The ideal is to go out first in one, to be able to measure results and in the second platform to go out already correcting the product based on the feedback collected on the other platform. But this differs on the type of users you want.
Do you need a different version for smartphones and tablets? This is only practical when the way you use your app is very different from the tablet than from the phone. For example, an app that can be used as a second screen when you are at home (tablet) compared to something lighter for when you are away from home (smartphone).
Have you already designed your app? Here are also 2 key points:
-Wireframes: refers to a sketch of your app. It would be good if you had well defined what the application is going to be and on each screen you have at least listed the functionalities that it will contain There are online tools like moqups.com that will make it very simple. Here is an instance of something simple that perfectly explains how the app works and that will force you to reflect on all the steps the user must go through before.
Final app design: Do you previously have the screens designed? And your corporate image? Do you have a graphic designer in your template, or do you need to hire the design of the app? This is by no means is expensive of the app, but it is necessary to know where you are and if you need these services.
At the data structure level, will the app need a server? Do you already have the back end mounted or do you need to develop it? This is a critical point that tends to greatly affect development. It should be the first thing to be ready, because it ends up affecting the entire app and without it, you cannot test the operation of the application. From the delays in the server (API) derive the great evils of software development, so we must attend that point as a matter of priority. And as always, you have to try to plan; the more the better.
At this point, we must make a call for calm and reflection. Everyone is in a fierce rush, which then leads to bad decisions and a bad product.
An average development of a mobile application takes about 3 months.
If the app is very complex, the time can obviously be lengthened. And our availability is not immediate, although it does not usually take more than 1 month to enter a new project.
But the immediacy with which things are required is usually the first point of conflict with new projects. We understand that you want to have your project as soon as possible, but above all, you must focus on your product.
From experience, in the end it is usually the entrepreneur / company himself who delays the development of the app because the moment he starts working on the project, that is when more ideas and changes occur to him. And that is a very dangerous time. Starting crazy changes out of hunches doesn’t usually do anything good. In the first place, because the development was thought about a specification, that if it changes it can bring difficulties.
In addition, the changes could also affect the budget. Second, when this happens, the tendency is to add much more functionality, never remove it. And that means that development is prolonged. With which, in most apps we tend to see how the developer ends up introducing changes that lengthen the development when at first it seemed that he was in a hurry.
It is a fundamental part, and one that tends to remain in limbo. This is where they come from testing the product and functionalities, to detecting bugs in the app. Who is going to take care of this? Do not leave it for the end. If you want your app to be good, you must test it with real users, see and prove that they understand the purpose and navigation scheme of the app and that the usability is optimal.
The development company is already in charge of bug testing, but in software development there is always the possibility of failures. So you have to be very meticulous and organize a good testing plan. With relatively simple tasks you can achieve wonderful results. And everything redounds to the benefit of your users, a better user experience, so it is a basic part.
If you don’t want to or can do it yourself, you can always turn to external companies. There are hundreds of companies that offer these services, so everything will depend on your budget. But with a little effort and organization, it is one of the key points in which you can save costs and generate an immense benefit to your users.
Testing is serious business!
And so far, our review today of small things that you need when you face the development of an app. It is not worth disregarding the product and it does not work to continually change course on the fly. So, refine these key points and go for the success of your app. And for all the doubts that may arise.