Issue of Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan by Court:
If you have any issue of nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan, You may contact Jamila Law Associates. Family Court on the issue of jurisdiction depending upon Wife’s residence and finding that she was residing with her brother Such a finding cannot be interfered with mainly because another View could be possible for nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan.
On this score, the finding cannot be said to be erroneous or without lawful authority. It seems that one window operation has been allowed in the family Courts settle matrimonial disputes once for even if any of the spouses comes with a single relief. The party has been allowed to claim the reliefs available against the other, and dismissal or withdrawal of suit the written statement filed of any parties shall treat as an objection on nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. For the adjudication of the issues raised therein. The defendant put to caution that it was the last opportunity. Still if the defendant has failed to cross-examine the plaintiff’s witnesses. Family Court stating reasons striking off his right of cross-examination.
Excuse of the Defendant:
The excuse of the defendant that he was not furnished with copies of document held futile at a later stage because if it did not furnish such copies, an objection could be taken before it recorded evidence for nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan.” Enlarged right conferred on a wife by the second proviso to S. 7 (i) of West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, meant that the place of her residence would create jurisdiction incompetent Court for the types of claims mentioned therein that a wife might file.
Court Marriage in Pakistan:
If procedural technically for nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan was allowed to rule the choice of the forum in such a matter, then benefit conferred upon a wife or a mother by the second proviso to S. 7(1i) of West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, would be easily lost. Family Court at the residence of the mother of minors had jurisdiction to entertain her application for custody of her minor children residing in some other city.
Trial Court:
The petition was allowed accordingly.” Petitioner assailed judgment and decree passed by Trial Court on having jurisdiction to entertain the suit for nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. The Petitioner contended that the wife resided at place G. She never ordinarily resided at place K. As per R. 6 of Family Courts Rules, 1965, the wife could not file a suit for maintenance from her place ordinary residence. Validity. Petitioner himself had approached the Family Court at place G with an objection. Still, the said court-court directed him to approach the court-court with jurisdiction at place K.
Family Courts. Act, 1964:
Petitioner, having not challenged said verdict before any forum, could not reopen an already settled matter under S. 7 of Family Courts. Act, 1964, an objection for dissolution of marriage could contain all claims including maintenance, meaning thereby. If a wife filed suit for dissolution of marriage from her ordinary residence, she could combine the prayer of maintenance and other prayers for nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. If it admitted contention of the Petitioner that R. 6 of Family Curt’s Rules, 1965 did not allow the wife to file a suit for maintenance from the place of ordinary residence.