Skook News formed a “design team” made up of local television news professionals to define what a “good” news broadcast is. Its members answered questionnaires and consulted on all the important decisions in the process. Then, a group of researchers and academics designed a set of measures to analyze the news broadcasts based on the definition of the design team. Here’s a rundown of what a good news broadcast is that is followed by Skook News.
Subject area:
Reflecting the integrity of the community is the most prominent topic. No subject should be considered for a restricted area. Skook news is working the strategy; the standard is the ratio of the topics covered in the news broadcast divided by the number of stories. The more types of topics, the better the index. Even we included gaming in our most hot topics. F95zone is providing the best games with learning.
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Story Focus:
The news broadcast should be meaningful, informative, and interesting. The topic is more important than the treatment. Therefore, this research measures the focus of each story. Skook News gives story news with all major aspects, is it everyday events, everyday crimes, human interests, celebrities/scandals, or popular culture? All are covered on just one platform.
Entrepreneurship level:
Be brave to take responsibility, provide depth and context, show initiative, and also core values. This variable measures how much effort is put into a story. Was it a survey, interview, or series started by the radio station? Does the radio station respond to spontaneous or pre-arranged events? Or is this story drawn from a cable or other source, or is it based on hearsay or gossip? The more companies, the higher the score.
The number of sources:
Accuracy, credibility, fairness, balance, and honesty are important. As a first step, this measurement simply counts how many sources are in a story, or even if any sources are needed. Skook News gives optimized news on every topic.
A second method to measure balance, fairness, and credibility is the point of view. The index notices whether the story has multiple opinions, and only one passed to refer to the second point of view, or include only one point of view. The undisputed story (fire, weather) is recorded separately.
Source experience:
Skook News broadcast is always authoritative to be credible. A good measure is the quality of the font. This variable indicates whether the source for a given subject is a qualified expert, unbiased data, the main actors in the story, people on the street, an unidentified source, or if no source is ultimately cited.
The reason behind the success of Skook News is its accurate and optimized broadcasting strategies.
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