Maintenance After Court Marriage in Pakistan:
Most people in Pakistan goor court marriage in Pakistan but dodoot know that the wife is the husband’s liability after the court marriage in Pakistan. The husband is bound to pay maintenance to his wife irrespective of whether the wife is herself earning or not. Some people go for court marriage in Pakistan just because they are not ready to take the liability of a wife and keep it a secret which they mostly succeed in doing also but legally speaking that the wife has a right to be maintained by her husband.
Marriage Certificate:
Most people also don’t know that the marriage certificate in Pakistan also contains a column that asks how the husband will pay much monthly pocket money to the wife. Most of the time, they are surprised when they hear this thing because this is something for which they were not ready. In the court marriage procedure in Pakistan, it is mandatory to fill the column of monthly maintenance and cannot be left blank.
Court Marriage Proceudre:
During court marriage procedures in Pakistan, each column must be filled, and a competent court marriage lawyer in Pakistan is always ready to assist his clients with each column. If there is something unknown or ambiguous during the court marriage procedure in Pakistan, such a thing can be consulted with your court marriage lawyer in Pakistan.
Court Marriage Lawyer in Lahore:
One of the most competent court marriage lawyers in Lahore Pakistan, Advocate Nazia, says that when people come for court marriage in Lahore Pakistan, they are not aware of the monthly pocket money of the wife, which needs to be mentioned in the court marriage in Lahore Pakistan. The question here is that how much monthly maintenance is required to be mentioned? Most people mention the pocket money in the marriage certificate beyond their means which sometimes becomes a huge issue in case of dispute among the couple. Any amount which is specifically mentioned in court marriage in Pakistan is binding between the spouses.
For example, if in a court marriage in Pakistan the couples have decided to mention the amount as Rs50000, then this amount is binding between the couples doing court marriage in Pakistan. If a wife claims her monthly alimony in a family court, the husband will have to pay Rs50000 as maintenance charges to the wife because this is what was agreed in the contract of court marriage in Pakistan.
ADV Nazia Ali:
Advocate Nazia, the court marriage lawyer in Lahore Pakistan, says that it is totally between the spouse to mention the monthly maintenance to the wife and it’s their sole discretion; however, when she sees some weird or unrealistic amount, she interferes says that this a monthly pocket money and not the monthly household expenses. She says that it is my job to pinpoint; however, the sole discretion lies between the spouses. The spouse takes the full and final decision on how much maintenance amount will be mentioned in the court marriage procedure in Pakistan.