Procedure of Divorce and Marriage Certificate Nadra:
If you wish to know the legal procedure to obtain marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. It could not read that provision in isolation and in disregard of 5:14 of West Pakistan Muslim Family Courts Act, 1964 for marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate, which is subsequent Legislation would have an overriding effect on all other laws, the time being in force, especially when a non obstante clause prefaced it.
Constitutional Petition:
Only constitutional Petition could be competent in that state of law. Applicability of provisions of Civil Procedure code, 1908, to proceedings under Guardians and Wards Act minors, the procedure prescribed in Guardians and wards act is to be followed for marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate. While dealing with question or custody of Section 10, 11, 36, 43 & 48, Guardians and wards Ac, 1890, however, provide that it would follow the procedure prescribed in C.P.C. in respect of these sections.
Guardian Judge:
Guardian Judge appointed respondent as guardian of person and property of minors; Application was moved- for removal or guardian on the ground that respondent had abused her trust and did not take proper care or the minors D.N.A. test was further alleged that response application for removal of guardian. Provisions or S.39 of Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 had to be followed, which prescribed the grounds for removing the guardian, whereas S.47 of the said Act had defined appealable orders on marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate. It could present appeal to the Shariat Court only against the order of removal of a guardian under S.47 Clause (9) of Guardians and wards Act, 1890, but no appeal had been provided by the said act when the Court refused to remove a guardian.
Nadra Marriage Certificate:
Guardian Judge for the marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate, having refused to remove the guardian, the appeal was not tenable under the Guardians and Wards act and was liable to be dismissed on that Score alone. Even otherwise impugned order, having attained finality under S.48 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, could not be contested by the appellants. Content had ill-treated the minors. Guardian Judge dismissed Appointment of guardian of person and property of minors.
Guardian For Property:
Mother or three minors applied to appoint her guardian or person and property or minors, which application was accepted. She was appointed guardian or minors as prayed for by her, and a guardian certificate was issued toner for the marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate. Mother on the strength of said guardianship certificate sought leave of the Court to sell the property belonging to the minors to incur their expenditure for their betterment.
Still, the Court refused to grant such leave, and the Petition in that respect was dismissed. Subsequently, Guardian Judge taking suo motu action declared the guardianship certificate issued to the mother as canceled; however, on appeal against the said order of the Guardian Judge on marriage certificate Nadra or Nadra marriage certificate, Appellate Court set aside impugned judgment. It restored the guardian Judge and guardianship certificate.