Procedure of Court Marriage and Nikahnama Nadra Registration:
If you wish to go with the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan, you can contact Jamila Law Associates. Father moved an application before the Executing Court (Family Court), contending that his son had reached the age of majority. Executing Court (Family Court) dismissed the father’s application for the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan, finding that it was in the interest of justice equity and fair play that the father should maintain his son until he completed his education and became a working hand.
Constitutional Petition:
The constitutional petition filed by the father against the Order of Executing Court was also dismissed. No specific judgment and decree had been passed in favor of the son, directing the father to provide maintenance to the (adult) son, even after he had attained the age of majority had ceased to be a minor. The decree passed by Family Court, which had attained finality, contained no specific command to the effect that it should remain in force even beyond the majority of a son.
Nikahnama nadra Registration:
It ceased to effect the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan automatically the day the son attained 18 years of age. Exclusion of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 envisaged in section 17 of Family Courts Act, 1964 does not apply to the execution proceedings. Execution proceedings shall be regulated and proceeded with through order XXI, C.P.C. Exclusion is only meant for matters in respect of part I of the Schedule of Family Courts Act, 1964.Petitioner (grandfather of the minors) contended that he was not a party to the suit. The judgment debtor was alive and physically and mentally fit; therefore, the decree can be executed against him and not any other person.
Procedure of Court Marriage in Pakistan:
Regarding the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan it was held, admittedly, the petitioner was the paternal grandfather of the minor decree holders and the father who was a judgment debtor as avoiding satisfaction of such decree by hiding. Executing Court had no alternative but to pass the impugned order. Minors could not be left merciless and unattended. In the absence of the father (judgment debtor), grandfather is bound to provide maintenance allowance for his grandchildren.3Wife withdrew the earlier execution petition based on conditional compromise for the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan.
Term of Compromise:
Subsequently, the husband failed to honor the terms of compromise. Therefore, his warrants are issued. Husband objected to the warrant contending that “once compromise was always a Compromise”; therefore, it should cancel his warrants. Circumstances demonstrated that decree is to be satisfied in letter and spirit. Rather parties, entered into a compromise on the conditional statement of wife, i.e. if husband again deserted her from his house, she reserved the right to re-file the execution petition. Judgment-debtor father of minors and husband of the lady are under legal and moral obligation to maintain them. Judgment and decree are not assailed before the appellate Court for the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan with nikahnama nadra registration in Pakistan. Therefore, it has attained finality, and it can take no exception to that. Executing Court cannot go beyond the decree.