Law on Marriage Certificate Required Documents:
If you wish to know the law on marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate Nadra, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Under said Law in cases where parties were Muslim s. Under S. 3 of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1935, where question relating to succession upon the death of Muslim arose in any court on marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate, and where such death took place before said Law, rule of decision would be according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1935 as if said Law was applicable at the time of death. if you Are Looking the Lawyer For Marriage Certificate Attestation & Marriage Certificate Verification then u need to Hire Female Lawyer. They Know That How to Get the Marriage Certificate Nadra & Marriage Certificate Pakistan. Now Choose the Female Lawyer For Computerized marriage certificate Pakistan.
No limitation would run against the co-sharer. Mother would get one-third when there was no child from deceased son. Son, having died issueless and had no brother or sister, mother would get one-third share out of his legacy instead of one-sixth. After the death of the defendant’s husband, his whole legacy had devolved upon his only son according to prevailing custom/Riwaj. Inheritance of the defendant s husband would reopen, and she would also get a one-eighth share from her husband’s legacy. It modified impugned judgment and decree of the appellate court to the extent of the defendant’s claims, widow of deceased, and mother of a dead son.
Revision Petition:
The revision petition on marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate nadra was disposed of accordingly. He teds survived by only one daughter who maintained the property as a limited owner until her marriage in 1977. After her marriage, the plaintiff was given 1/4 snare of the property left by her deceased father. The remaining 3/4 share was given to defendants as collateral. Plaintiff assailed her share and claimed it to be 112 shares instead of 1/4 share. Trial Court dismissed the suit, but Appellate Court allowed the appeal and enhanced the plaintiff’s share as claimed by her.
Divorce Certificate Nadra:
The plea for marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate Nadra raised by the defendants was that the deceased owner was governed by customary Law, the suit was barred by limitation, and the principle of surrender was applicable Validity. -Limited estate was extinguished on promulgation of West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat). Application Act, 1962, and the property reverted to Muslim heirs according tO their sharai shares, who were alive at the time of death of the last male owner, i.e., father of the plaintiff. Plaintiff has given the suit property of her father for maintenance purposes until her marriage or death, and she was entitled to her Sharai share to the extent of 1/2 share in the legacy of her deceased father based on marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate nadra.
Still, the plaintiff was given only 1/4 share, which it did not justify under the Law. Plaintiff had become co-sharer along with the collaterals, the moment her father breathed his last or the limited estate extinguished, and no period of limitation ran against her. The principle of estoppel was not attracted because a co-sharer in possession of the joint property was considered to hold a share of the other co-sharers out of possession on their behalf. -Appellate Court correctly concluded the lies and findings returned in support of the judgment of Appellate Court on marriage certificate required documents or divorce certificate nadra aligned with the evidence on record and Law applicable.