Criminal Lawyer in Lahore from law Firm:
If you are looking for a criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan you may contact Nazia Law Associates. It will tell the parents and child to attend the juvenile court at a stated time for the trial of the case by the criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan.
Severe Cases:
Only in severe cases will the police warrant the child’s arrest and take him to the police station; if this should happen, the parents should immediately instruct a solicitor. Which court? Most children accused of crimes appear before the juvenile court. It is a private sitting of what is, in effect, a specially constituted magistrates’ court. The bench will be made up of two or three magistrates drawn- from a special panel of JPs.
The magistrates who go on the board are supposed to have knowledge and experience of children. When appointed to the committee, they must be under fifty (preferably under forty), and they must retire at the age of sixty-five. The procedure in the juvenile court is similar to that in the magistrates’ court by the criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan. The main consequence of this is that the case is tried summarily -i.e., without a jury. Virtually all children charged with criminal offenses do not have the right to a jury trial, which they might have if they were adults. One exception is when a juvenile is accused of homicide or an offense for which an adult could be imprisoned for fourteen years or more; the magistrates can then decide that the child be tried in the crown court.
Law Firm in Pakistan:
The other exception through the criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan is when a juvenile is charged jointly with a non-juvenile. When this happens, the youth will probably be tried in the adult courts beside his co-defendant. Illustration. A sixteen-year-old (juvenile) and a seventeen-year-old (adult) are jointly accused of stealing a car. The seventeen-year-old can opt for trial in either the magistrates’ court or the crown court. If the seventeen-year-old opts for a magistrates’ court trial, the sixteen-year-old will be tried with him. But if the sixteen-year-old is found guilty, he will be passed on to the juvenile court for sentencing. However, if the magistrates wish to fine him, bind over his parents, or give him an absolute or conditional discharge, they can impose that sentence themselves.
If the seventeen-year-old opts for a crown court trial, the sixteen-year-old will almost certainly be tried with criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan. But if the sixteen-year-old is found guilty, he will almost always be passed back to the juvenile court for sentencing. In theory, the juvenile should only be tried in the crown court if necessary in the interests of justice. But in practice, he is nearly always tried in the high court by criminal lawyer in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan. The prosecution does not want to risk one offender being acquitted and the other being convicted on the same evidence but in a different court.