Provision of Khula Pakistani Law for Divorce Certificate:
If you wish to proceed according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates.The Khula in Pakistan is right of Every Female After Know the Khula procedure & Process in Pakistan. The Procedure of Khula in Pakistan (2022). Now Take The Guide on Khula Pakistan family law (2022). Wife having appeared before Family Court once or twice would not be disentitled to avail legal right provided under S. 18 of the W.P. Family Courts Act, 1964 for all times to come according to the provisions of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan.
Word “reconciliation postulates adoption of such measures as can be proved as a factor for harmonious union between the spouses after redress of grievances, which led them to recourse to litigation. Family court should act as an Arbitrator in exercising judicial power to organize compromise to save married life from further deterioration. The Object of Sections 10 and 12 in the Act seems to compromise the spouses’ reconciliation compromise.
Dissolution of Marriage:
The non-compliance of the above provisions if the Court grants a decree for dissolution of marriage according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan may be a severe irregularity given the mandatory nature of the above provisions. Still, in a case in which the Family Court has declined to grant a decree for dissolution of marriage, the above irregularity may not be so serious as to warrant setting aside the Court’s judgment in the exercise of constitutional writ jurisdiction. The attempt on the Presiding Judge to effect a compromise or reconciliation is not a mere question of technicality. It is an important function which he has to perform in cases triable under the Family Courts Act according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan. Where he fails to do so, he fails to exercise an essential part of jurisdiction vested in him and thus acts without lawful authority.
Divorce Certificate in Pakistan:
A trial and proceeding according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan not held by the procedure laid down in the Act Would be rendered not merely irregular but illegal and void.” The Family Court has not mentioned reconciliation in the judgment is of no consequence if such mention is made in the Order sheet. In the Family Courts Act, the Family Judge must attempt reconciliation between the parties twice; once, before the commencement of the evidence and the other, after the case. Neither in the Act nor in the rules made there under any procedure for attempting has been prescribed. It has been left discretion of the family Judge to keep in view the peculiar circumstances of each case according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan.
Constitutional Petition:
Sometimes, it might become necessary even during the constitutional petition proceedings, when the parties’ positive assertions are made under oath. It might not be possible for a Judge to direct a wife to seek apology from her husband “under oath,” but an undertaking might be so. Similarly, there is no law requiring the Family Judge to record the demeanor of the parties during constitutional petition though as observed in the case of Muhammad Iqbal family Court, Lyallpur, etc., W.P. 577/74, decided on 15.05.1975 there is nothing wrong in mentioning the facts about reconciliation attempts in the judgment; it will be of some advantage to the Court and the parties, if the Court records contemporaneously material facts and circumstances which take place during the reconciliation proceedings, in the form of a memorandum according to the provision of khula Pakistani law for divorce certificate in Pakistan.