Pakistani Law Firms in UK for Family cases:
If you are looking for Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore for family cases you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The Client would receive a refund of £70 from his contribution but if the Client did not pay a gift, or if the donation is not enough to pay the shortfall, it will take the balance from 3—the damages. The Advocate will have paid the injuries and other proceeds of the case to the Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore. Our Law Firm in Lahore & Law Firms in Lahore is best for family & Civil Settlements. So Why Are You Waiting Now Get Free Advice & Consultancy By Law Firm in Lahore Pakistan & Law Firms in Lahore Pakistan.
The office can take any shortfall on costs from this money. The office is said to have a statutory charge over the proceeds, and it can use this statutory charge to claim a share of the profits to pay any unpaid costs. Suppose the shortfall between the costs due to the Advocate and the costs paid by the loser is £50. The Client had paid a £30 contribution and won £1,000 damages. The shortfall of LS0 is me by using the £3O contribution and, secondly, by using the damages.
Client Loses:
So the Client loses his contribution and receives only £980 in damages. Complications arise when the loser does not pay the party-and-party costs. It can be either because he is ordered to pay the fees to the Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore but doesn’t (e.g., he has not got the money to do so, or he goes bankrupt, or he disappears) or is not ordered to pay the costs. Although the loser is usually ordered to pay the expenses, there are occasions when he is not. When this happens, the shortfall between what the Legal Aid Office receives and the amount they pay the Advocate for his common-fund costs can be considerable.
Lawyers in Lahore:
Invariably for the Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore, the shortfall will be met, firstly, from the Client’s contribution and, secondly, from the damages and proceeds of the case. The result can be that the winner loses all his injuries. For example, Mr. Evans was granted legal aid to sue Second-Hand Car sales Lid over the defective car he bought. His contribution was £75. Mr. Evans wins the case, is awarded £600 damages, and Second-Hand Carsales Ltd is ordered to pay Mr. Evans’s costs. Mr. Evans’s Advocate’s costs are £400. Second-Hand Carsales Ltd pays £350 of the damages but then goes bankrupt. The Legal Aid Office will pay the Advocates their L400 and recover that money from the contribution (£75) and the injuries (E350). Mr. Evans is then left with £25 (i.e., £50 less than if he hadn’t bothered). The damages might have to go towards the legal costs that the Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore pays them to the Legal Aid Office and not to his Client.
The Advocate has no choice; he must pay the money to the Legal Aid Office. The Legal Aid Office will only release the funds to the Client when it is clear that there will not be a shortfall. It will usually be some time after the hearing. So the Client may well feel aggrieved that, having won his case, he has to wait several months before his damages are paid to him. The statutory charge – the right to take the legal costs of Pakistani law firms in UK or lawyers in Lahore out of the damages- can cause great hardship, as well as great bitterness.