Don’t worry about the consequences if you are honest with your actions
I’ve learned that sometimes we just have to let go of things we can’t see. I remember when I was through a divorce, I just felt honest. I didn’t have a penny to feed us, but I knew I was doing the right thing. I was married to a man with a large Catholic family and I was completely alone. My mother was an orphan and I was the only child and I couldn’t get my father almost new because I had met him a few years ago. Anyway, when I stood firm in the 9-month struggle to keep my two girls under the age of three, I literally had no one. Both of my parents were not mentally or physically healthy enough to cope with the situation, so I moved on knowing I was doing the right thing, even though I seemed to be wrong because there were 20 people in court with my current ex-husband. and every time we had to go. I got up every time, trembling at the stand, looked at 20 pairs of eyes, and then I started telling the truth.
It was a year when I learned to be honest and step in to become a strong person.
The consequences of my actions in a violent marriage may have cost the children … but I knew I was honest with my actions and did not intend to allow my children to grow up in a situation similar to that my mother had repeatedly remarried during my childhood.
That was 13 years ago, and because I took those brave steps in my twenties, I gave my children such an amazing life.
In hindsight, I am so happy that I was completely alone because I was able to let my Ego Quotes go to work for myself and carry my body and mind through a very difficult point in my life. Nothing in business or life is comparable to this year, as you can imagine. I think I owe my success to the growth that has taken place this year.
In business and in life, it has always seemed to me personally
that to do what I knew to be right is far more important than any consequence of those actions. I don’t think I can do it without being clear and redirecting my ego. In a sense, my husband and his family who tried to take away my beautiful children from me b