Child maintenance in Pakistan, Child maintenance law in Pakistan, Child maintenance amount in Pakistan, Child maintenance after divorce in Pakistan, Maintenance of child under Muslim law
Rights in Child Custody Law in Pakistan:
If you wish to know your rights in child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Another bar is provided that no appeal shall lie from a decree passed by a Family Court dissolving the marriage on any other ground or grounds specified therein except on the ground for child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore mentioned in section 2(vi (d) of Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, which relates to the disposal of property of wife preventing her from exercising her legal rights over it.
Family Court:
It shows that except on this ground, if the Family Court dissolves marriage on any other ground, then appeal is not competent. Appeal against a decree of a Family Court would be competent only if the dissolution of marriage is affected because the husband has been treated. From a bare reading of S. 14 of the We Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, it is clear that to file an appeal against decision or decree passed by Trial Court.
Precedent Condition:
It has not been provided as a condition precedent to deposit the decretal amount or submit any surety or security in child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore. In the present case, the petitioner had prayed for the suspension operation of the decree passed by the Trial Court. The Appellate Court has directed him to submit a surety bond within a stipulated period that was only to secure the execution of the decree and has nothing to do with the filing of the appeal or for its disposal under s. 14 of the A.CA.C.
Family Lawyer in Lahore:
No provision for child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore being available under s. 14 of the Act, in that behalf, dismissal of appeal by Appellate Court was an exercise of a jurisdiction which did not vest such power to the Appellate Court. Impugned order held nullity in the eye of law as such set-aside. It is incumbent for the appellant to implead di the necessary parties in the appeal. Any necessary party is left out in request; the same cannot be impeded after a limitation period. If one of the defendants is not impleaded on as a party to appeal that its name was omitted in the decree sheet, the appeal should not be dismissed on his Score for child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore.
Court as a ACT:
Instead, the error should be sought to be rectified as no one is to be prejudiced by the Act of the Court.” An appeal cannot be dismissed for the simple reason that a proforma defendant was left out from the memorandum of appeal. Lower Appellate Court has ample powers under O. XLI, Rs. 20 and 33 to permit such a party to be impleaded at any appeal stage. 39 decree of Family Court is to be construed as decision and thus appealable for child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore. An appeal under S. 14 of the Family Courts Act, 1964 was a substantive right. It was in continuation of proceedings that came entirely upon the first appellate Court carrying with it the righteousness of rehearing law and facts and reviewing pleadings and evidence afresh.