It is not a myth anymore that smoking surely kills. It is said that with every puff of smoke we reduce our life span. Nevertheless, smoking is still largely one of the most preventable causes of death globally. So preventable yet so hard to put down. This comes down to the chemicals added into manufacturing it which makes even the strongest of minds succumbing to their next puff. Ironically in this modern era, some lie to themselves by quitting cigarettes and only to get addicted to other forms of smoking by picking up an electronic vape or to fancy hours of smoke intake with their beautifully designed glass shisha bongs. Let us not deny the possibility of going big or going home with all of these being part of your daily life.
Awareness is key and this article will consist of five dangers of smoking that are hazardous. First and foremost, smoking is accountable for more than 85% of lung cancers. Even more
worrying, the chances of someone surviving after five years of the initial diagnosis stands at 1 in 5 people. Apart from smoking being the key factor for this amount of lung cancers, it does not shy away from helping other forms of cancers to develop. We are looking at a substance that destroys and mutates normal cells and eventually making them malignant in almost every system of our beautiful body.
Smoking and lung diseases go hand in hand. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis are severe diseases caused by this harmful yet preventable habit. It is sad, although we are developing into the future, we are too destroying it with smoke that vanishes into literal thin air. Not only does this cause our lungs to slowly die away, smoking affects the heart greatly. Being a major cause of coronary diseases, smokers sprint towards strokes and heart attacks. Let us not forget the slow run towards peripheral arterial diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, and the risk of aortic aneurysm which could be fatal.
It is mind-boggling the amount of systems smoking destroys. Apart from the heart and the lungs, smoking affects men and women even with their reproductive systems. A pregnant smoking mother not only risks major complications to her during pregnancy, but she also gives major health effects on her unborn child. From miscarriages, premature deaths to birth defects, you name it! Men on the other hand end up with issues of infertility and erectile dysfunction making their lives a living hell.
This casual yet deadly habit does not stop there with the harm it creates for our bodies. Smoking and its deadly effects not only lead to you aging faster, it too weakens your immunity and increases your risks of developing chronic medical diseases. Do not forget that terrible odor from your mouth and those stained previously beautiful pearly white teeth. It is now or never in this deadly cycle of smoking.Although we understand the difficulties faced by one in trying to quit this habit, smoking cessation shows improvement to your body even in the first five minutes. As the old saying goes, old habits die hard, but in terms of smoking, one will surely die even before they are old. Quit now.