We all love summer and all the sunshine it brings with it, but we also know that we need to take care of our garden furniture to sit outside every day.
June is a stressful month for most people as they finalize their yearly plans and go on holiday. Therefore, it is vital to keep your garden at its best and let you enjoy those long hours in the sun! To make sure your lawn stays healthy and fabulous all through the summer months, there are some simple steps you can take:
Only water when necessary – overwatering will cause fungus growth, resulting in (soggy) dead spots.
Water as early as possible or as late as possible – this way, the plants won’t suffer from the sun’s scorching heat.
Only cut when it’s necessary – if you leave lawn clippings on top of your grass, it will protect it from excessive heat and provide some nutrients. Clippings should be placed in a compost heap to break down until they are soil fertilizer.
Don’t let pets mess with your lawn – their urine, faeces, and saliva contain bacteria that may damage your lawn. Also, cats tend to scratch grass, which can kill even healthy turf
Use weedkillers sparingly – if possible, try to get rid of weeds by digging them out carefully or use vinegar but keep away from plants! Don’t use chemical weed killers unless you have no other choice. If you do use them, always follow the instructions carefully.
Inspect your garden furniture cover from time to time to ensure that it is in good shape for a whole season of sitting out. Garden furniture can be expensive so try to look after it as best as you can!
Check the following:
Make sure all ropes and chains are intact and don’t have any rust on them. If you find broken parts, replace them or ask someone who knows how to fix things.
Don’t leave your garden chairs out during wintertime – if the weather gets too cold, the plastic could crack from frost, condensation or even breaking from snow.
Check all joints for any signs of cracking, bumps or other damage – make sure they are perfectly smooth and there are no sharp edges that may cut into your skin.
Look for any discoloration’s and make sure the fabric isn’t torn. If there are, replace them as they may cause injury to you or your family members
Ensure that everything is clean – dirt builds up on furniture, which can lead to skin infections if you sit down on it without first wiping it down. You also don’t want your beautiful garden furniture spoiled by those ugly stains! Use a mild detergent and rinse with water. Make sure not to leave metal parts out in bad weather as rain and snow may cause damage.
You can buy furniture covers for extra protection but just make sure that the cover’s fabric doesn’t contain plastic because then condensation will build up underneath and damage your furniture even more.
Don’t forget to store your furniture correctly for the winter months. If you live in a cold climate, it’s best to take everything inside. If you have a shed or outbuilding where you can safely store them so they won’t get ruined by water or other elements, make sure to do so!
Enjoy summer, and good luck on keeping your garden looking stunning all season long!