Instagram has been hit by the new Instagram sandbox feature recently introduced by Facebook. The ban bars the guilty parties from displaying in sponsored searches or feeds, resulting in a drop in engagement and audience interest. However, do not panic. There’s no need to resort to illegal tactics and risk receiving shadowbanned.
Post Unique Content
You can naturally grow your Instagram followers and engagement organically by promoting interesting content relevant to your niche. This is one of the most effective ways to grow a large Instagram audience for little or no cost. As mentioned earlier, Instagram is still in development to promote useful and engaging content is vital. If you have an interesting website or blog, you can easily grow it by sharing content related to your niche. If you don’t have an online presence but you are interested in learning more about Instagram, consider getting an official account. To get the most from your Instagram account, be sure to provide great content. If you cannot manage this organically, you should ask for feedback from your followers. Ask what they think about your posts and solutions to their problems. As you gain more engagement from users in your niche, you will gain more power in the marketplace. With power comes influence, which can help you overcome any challenge put before you. As a result, your Instagram account will continue to attract more potential new followers as well as organically grow your core niche.
Build Relationship
Once you have an official Instagram account, you can begin to build an audience of Instagram users. Social media marketing experts believe that the key to making money online is to grow a targeted audience using traditional methods and marketing channels. Social media marketing provides a powerful platform to reach millions of people around the world in an affordable and highly targeted way.
Use Hashtags
One way to grow Instagram followers organically is to use hashtags. The hashtags that you add to your photos will appear in the top spot when people search for keywords related to your product or niche. Therefore, you need to carefully choose popular keywords relevant to your business that will help you grow your Instagram followers.
Engage your Followers
Another organic method to increase your Instagram followers is to engage your followers. Engaging helps to promote your brand throughout the social network. When someone posts an image that you have shared on Instagram, they can also share the URL to your Facebook page or Twitter feed so others can see your brand in action. Therefore, you can effectively grow your brand throughout all social networks.
Promote Instagram Page
The third way to grow Instagram followers is to find other Instagram users who are also trying to build their brand. You can begin by searching for people with your specific niche and asking if they would like to promote your Instagram page. This will give you an opportunity to show off your brand on a similar platform to your competitors while providing additional engagement for your followers. In return, they will engage your page as well and build relationships that could translate to future purchases.
Make Post Easy
Finally, one of the best ways to grow your Instagram account organically is to make your posts easy for your followers to share. Many businesses choose to use hashtags as one of the best ways to encourage viewers to share the content with their friends. As an Instagram user, you should be able to identify hashtags that are related to your niche. Therefore, you should be able to tag photos within the hashtags and provide corresponding descriptions to entice viewers to view the images.