How to Get Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan by Court:
If you need assistance to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan, You may contact Jamila Law Associates. The husband’s contention that the wife obtained ex parte judgments against him by giving his wrong address was not tenable to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan, and he was well aware of the suit filed against him by the wife.
Denied Proclamation:
Husband had not denied proclamation issued in the newspapers, and close relatives of the husband resided in the area where the newspaper was circulated. Presumption of truth was attached to the fact that after the issuance of proclamation in the newspaper, it served husband by law; Choice of the newspaper was not of the parties but rather the court had the discretion to direct issuance of proclamation in the newspaper from amongst the list approved by the court-court. Husband, at the present juncture, could not claim that he was not allowed to defend himself to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan.
Family law:
Husband held was proceeded ex parte by law. Family Court, without having adopted recourse to substituted service merely acting on sue mote report of process-server and passing ex parte decree, the way adopted by the court-court held invalid and against the mandatory requirement of law. Ex parte decree is the result of invalid service set aside by the High Court in constitutional jurisdiction to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. The court is looking to set aside an ex parte decree in favor of the wife, and again the husband court is a duty to give the opportunity of cross-examination to the wife.
Court Marriage in Pakistan:
It did not afford to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan her opportunity, though, under the relevant provision of law, parties could call any witness at any time with the permission of the court-court. A bad observation that defendant has a right at a beer adjourned hearing to appear and assign a good cause for his non-appearance. If he gives good cause for his previous non-appearance, the Family Court has to listen to him answer the suit as if he had appeared on a day fixed for his appearance.
Family Court:
would be subject terms as Family Court may direct but essentially, it would not mean such terms to take away the right of hearing granted to the defendant under s. 9(5)(a) to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. The civil proceedings and order be It a final interlocutory, adverse to the interest of any party concerning his rights in personam or rem has been passed. If such a person is in jail, he must be informed accordingly, through the Superintendent of Jail. In the absence of such notice, subsequent proceedings taken in the case, and the ex parte decree passed in consequence, are without any legal effect to get nikahnama registration in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan.
Questions of Limitation:
Being so makes the question of limitation worthless and to no faith. Ex parte decree, setting aside of Petitioner (husband), assailed the order of Family Court whereby it had dismissed his application for setting aside ex-parte judgment and decree for dissolution of marriage.