Are you hoping to build your own personal website that can help you in your professional or creative life? There are tons of perks that can come from building a website that is optimized for your content, industry, and purpose.
To learn more about where to start when it comes to building a new website or personal blog, keep reading. In this guide, we will let you in on some tips and tricks that can help you get
Start With Your Purpose
When starting to make your own website, it’s best to start by defining what the purpose of your site is. Doing so will allow you a starting point to jump off of while helping to direct all the decisions you make for your site. To determine your website purpose, think about what you are hoping to accomplish with your own personal website.
For example, are you hoping to build a digital portfolio that future employers or potential clients can refer to to get an idea of your work? Or perhaps you are hoping to create an online blog for fun and to flex your creative side? Whatever your website purpose is wi help you decide your website design and layout.
Also, before jumping into creating a site, it can be helpful to list the kinds of content that can help you achieve your website goal and purpose. For example, what kind of content do you need to include to make the goal of your website clear? This content could be images, blogs, or resumes.
After you have determined what content you will need, you can begin compiling these elements and begin thinking about the layout of your site with this content in mind.
Organize Your Content
Once you have listed the kind of content you will need to produce and add to your site to achieve your goal, you can being to organize this content. Go through your list and determine what content you already have and can input to your site as well as which content you will need to create. A great method for organizing your content is by writing each content type on a sticky note.
You can then arrange sticky notes in a way that would make sense for those visiting your site. This can help you put some order to your content that can help you get an idea of the web pages you will have as well as how your website navigation will work. Then, you can start building out your website on your preferred website builder.
For a great option, check out DIY Deem It.
How to Get Started: Building Your Own Personal Website
Building your own personal website can be an exciting adventure that can open you up to a ton of creative and professional opportunities.
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