MSVCP140.dll which functions likethe .exe file is a shared programthat supports the launching orloading ofgames and programsthat useC,C, C++ and C++/CLI programming languages.In the event ofmissing ordamagedMSVCP140.dll files,it will be impossible tolaunch the game or applicationsandmay be presented withan error message that reads”The programcan’t startdue toMSVCP140.dll is missingfrom your computer.Try reinstalling the program in order toresolve this issue” or “Thisapplication was unable to startbecauseMSVCP140.dllwas not found.Reinstalling the application could fixthis problem.”
MSVCP ***.dlldocumentsalong withMSVCR ***.dlldocumentsareimportant components forgamesor other programs. MSVC isan abbreviationin the form ofMicrosoft Visual C++, whichcan be described as an integrated development(IDE) toolthat allows you to buildapplications.Additionally,MSVCP140.dll ispart ofMicrosoft Visual Studio program.Therefore, ifMSVCP140.dll is missing it is possible to goand search for solutions ontheMicrosoft Site.However, today we’ve providedtwo best practicestosolvethat msvcp140 dll missing error on your Windows 10, 8.1, 87,VistaorXP computer.
Two MethodstoRepairMSVCP140.dllErrors that aren’t being fixedon Windows Computer
Generally, theMSVCP140.dll isrequired by manyPC games. Ifthis file appears to bemissing, you have todownload andsavethe MSVCP140.dll filetoyourWindows system folder, or tothe installation folderfor yourgame, to fixthemissing errors.Here is a guideabout how to install and download the.dll file. Ifyou are not thatfamiliar withWindowsinner working it is suggested that youtake advantage of the automated proceduresthat are described inMethod 2.
Method1. Manuallydownload and installMSVCP140.dll File
There aremany sites availablefor MSVCP140.dllfile downloads . Youcan do a searchbefore downloadingthis.dll file fromthose sites similar todllfiles.It is importanttonote that you’d betterget rid of unknown websitesthat offer unsafe downloadsthat contain viruses or malwarethat will damageyourcomputer or PC games.
Afterthe download You must alsobeextra cautious when installinghow to install the.dll file installation:
Step1.Verify the type of your computerby usingWindows shortcut keys, Win +PauseBreak.You may get either32-bit OS, x86-based processoror 64-bit OSx64-basedprocessor.This needs your attention.
Step2. Check your .dll downloads. If the computer system type is the 32-bit one, then you should copy the copy the MSVCR120.dll file for 32-bit to the folder C:\Windows\system32 (some may be C:\WINDOWS\system32).
Ifyou are using a 64-bitcomputer, pasteMSVCP140.dllMSVCP140.dll (64-Bit)totheC:/Windows/System32 folder, andthen copy theMSVCP140.dll (32-Bit)ontotheC:/Windows/SYSWOW64 folder.Make sure that the correct.dllcopy is placed intherightfolder.
Step3.UtilizeWin + Rto launchRun.Type regsvr32msvcp140.dllandpressEnter tostart the file.Or you can performthe restart of your computerfor it to start taking effect.
Pay attentionto the stepsyou take whenapplying this methodor youcould faceadditionalWindowsissues, like100% diskutilization and endless reboots, ghost touch screen,etc.
Method2.Download theMSVCP140.dll via DLLFile.NET
Since it is never easyto download theappropriateMSVCP140.dllfiles for yourWindows or Mac, you might preferan efficient solution. DLL FILE which can be described as ahigh-qualitygame componentas well asdriverupdating and downloadingutility is able to fix the msvcp140dllmissing errorwith just a singleclick. Itwill provide a list ofto-install.dll filesthat are compatible withyoursystem and solutions forsolvingthatmissing error.It is simple todownload and installMSVCP140.dll files inseconds.
You can get this via the button above and download the MSVCP140.dll files as well as other MSCVR***.dll/MSVCP***.dll files instantly with the steps below:
Step1.Click Search andEnter the Driver Name You’d Likelike mscvp140.
Step2.SelectMSVCP140.dll and clickthe downloadbutton
Step3. Paste Downloaded Driver on its directory tofixproblems with themissing MSVCP140.dll fileissue.Then reboot to make thechanges fully take effect.
Be aware that if you experienceproblems likeGamesthat are not playing, Games not showing in full screen, orsoundduring games,go tothePC Repair option for solutions.
That’s it.Hope this article can helpyou fixthat.dllerror.missing errorafter you installthe correctMSVCP140.dll files. If you havequestionsregarding the fix fortheMSVCP140.dll missing error, pleasemake sure to ask themin the comment sectionbelow orvia theLEFT MENU on this page.