Welcome to another article of addiction series when we say addiction how do we deal with it what are the dangers of addiction and if you are an addict or you know someone who is suffering from that brain disease how do you deal with that situation. I have recovered from a drug and alcohol problem and I will try to elaborate on my personal experience.
So let’s start with the first point, of course, is drug and alcohol problem we always say I’m addicted to movies or music or my girlfriend or my wife or both of them sometimes how do you define an addict or how do you define addiction and we talk about addiction we normally associated with something like drug addiction or addiction to alcohol.
When we try to define that what we are really looking at a sense of dependency on an inherent substance that causes profound and chronic psychological social spiritual and mental harm. Alcohol addiction is a substance that causes that a dependency on a substance that can lead to chronic psychological social behavioral and spiritual consequences where the individual starts harming themselves this sounds really scary.
Drug Addict
As far as I know, substance dependence may begin in social situations on an infrequent basis with the use of a recreational drug and, for some people, the use of drugs progresses. Subsequent to prescription drug addiction or the medicine from a friend or family who has received the prescription, others, particularly those who are addicted to drug addiction, develop drug abuse.
How do you identify an addict?
Well basically it depends on what we are looking at the first problem is that most people do not consider by themselves that they have drug and alcohol problems they’re in denial mode. According to them, they are absolutely fine because that’s the biggest challenge when we are talking about addiction so most of the time it is the people who are around the individual who starts recognizing that maybe there is a problem
Signs you need to look
Usually, it is based on to a larger extent on the behavior of the individual it is also in terms of his appearance the way he or she goes around doing things which sometimes define what we consider as normal or rational and this usually leads to a whole lot of inappropriate actions and behavior.
For example, you find the person not willing to take care of themselves you know there is no sense of routine or structure in the individual’s life you know the person might be sleeping excessively you might be you know going to bed that very orders so on so forth
let’s look at one particular point alcoholism when do you classify it as an addiction there are days maybe since consuming alcohol seems to be a legitimate thing many people have a drink or two then they don’t really have a problem but for some people and this is important to understand when we look at the causative factors of addiction then we are also looking at that there is a certain sense of genetic predisposition we know for a fact with research that’s done especially in the West that certain people have a definite strong possibility of becoming addicted to drug and alcohol problem.
Concluding Remarks
You should not take these addictions lightly, it can make your life as well. You should consult with your doctor and stick to the treatment plan given by the doctor. One more piece of advice which helped me a lot during my rehab, you should avoid visiting your old drug-addicted friends. In case you still fell a drug and alcohol problem at any point don’t hesitate to contact with your doctor immediately.