As we advance towards the technological era, our lives revolve around digital gadgets and appliances. These appliances and electronic devices emit radiation, which is very harmful to our health. Radiation is very natural and is found everywhere, and even our bodies emit certain radiations. Naturally occurring radioactive substances are the very being of our earth and difficult to avoid. The radioactive gases are present in the air we breathe. Apart from this, there are man-made traditions that are used for X-rays and cancer therapies. These man-made radiations can cure severe diseases and are a boon to medical science.
Although these radiations cannot be seen or felt, the presence of these radiations can be detected and measured by using specific measuring tools. The traditions can be very harmful when we are exposed to them above a particular limit. If a large dosage of the radiation is delivered, it can be fatal for the human body as it becomes unbearable for the human body to handle. The toxic effects of these cannot be devoid. Internet facilities and telecommunication have added to it as the demand for cellular technology is rising.
Our houses and offices are the breeding grounds for the radiation. Wireless technology and electronic devices have made the world better and worse at the same time. Any device running on electricity is generating an electromagnetic field around us, thereby causing various health hazards. The microwaves we use in the houses are sealed but still leak heavy radiations. The food prepared in the microwave is eating up all the essential nutrients and making it dangerous. So let us discuss the various health effects of microwaves on health:
A rise in blood pressure: We believe that microwave food is low in calories, so it doesn’t harm us. Microwave foods are rich in sodium and can cause a rise in blood pressure. It is studied that microwave foods can affect heart rate and heart variability.
Risk of food poisoning: Microwave-cooked meals can take away all the essential nutrients and minerals. It happens because the heat tends to be lower, and the cooking time is shortened. The food is also heated unevenly, which is difficult for the body to digest. Though these meals are very convenient, they are leading to many underlying diseases.
Risk of cancers: The most concerning chemical produced by microwave radiation is a bisphenol, the consumption of which is linked to a variety of cancers. The food in the microwave is often overlooked, leading to the breakdown of the chemical components.
The microwaves can change the composition of your blood: The makeup of the blood changes in the people who take the microwave meals. Studies have revealed that people who consume the meals prepared in the microwave have high levels of cholesterol. The non-ionizing radiations can decrease the red blood cells.
Water retention in the body: As the microwaved meals are sodium-laden, they can lead to water retention in the body. The food prepared in the microwave will become drier due to the movement of water molecules.