Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are the bulging and swelling of the veins in the anal region. One in 3 people in the United States suffers from hemorrhoids at least once in their life, with the maximum age between 45 and 65 years. A proper knowledge of what a hemorrhoid is and how to treat this condition will help to resolve the root of this condition. and provide much-needed long-term relief.
Hemorrhoids are caused by the following conditions:
• Constipation. Constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Since patients with this condition work too hard during a bowel movement, the pressure exerted on their anal veins reaches a degree that causes swelling, best hemorrhoid medicine, and even bleeding.
• Pregnancy. Pregnant women are also prone to hemorrhoids. This happens due to hormonal changes and increased pressure caused by the growing fetus, forcing the veins to work harder to pump blood.
• Chronic venous insufficiency. Hemorrhoids can be a symptom of weakened veins. Chronic venous insufficiency is triggered by obesity, inactive lifestyle, and smoking. Those who stand or sit for a longer period of time are also at risk of developing chronic venous insufficiency.
• Inflammatory bowel disease. An ulcer or Crohn’s disease can also trigger hemorrhoids.
• Portal hypertension. Liver cirrhosis causes increased pressure within the blood of the portal vein that runs from the intestines to the liver. Prolonged portal hypertension could increase the chances of hemorrhoids.
• Aging. When a person reaches their 30s, the support structure in the anal region begins to continually weaken, putting them at risk for hemorrhoids.
For internal hemorrhoids (the hemorrhoid inside the anal cavity), the most common symptoms are:
• painless bleeding after each bowel movement
• feeling of fullness
• the need to have a bowel movement even if no stool is coming out
• sharp pain, itching, and irritation around the anus
• painful lump or swelling around the anus.
For external hemorrhoids (outside the anus), patients often feel a lump in the anus. Most of the time, they feel itchy and painful, although there are times when no symptoms are obvious.
Natural remedies for hemorrhoids
Here are five natural hemorrhoid reliefs that have been shown to be effective in curing and relieving hemorrhoid symptoms.
Fiber: Fiber tops every doctor’s list of natural remedies for hemorrhoids. An adequate fiber intake softens the stool and reduces the strain normally associated with constipation. Eat a generous amount of fruits, vegetables, and other sources of fiber, and drink plenty of water.
Bioflavonoids: Bioflavonoids are plant compounds that regulate and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They also offer relief from anal discomfort, pain, and anal discharge during an acute hemorrhoid attack. Citrus fruits, diosmin, herperidine, and oxerutins are some of the best sources of bioflavonoids.
Witch Hazel: Witch hazel serves as a natural astringent that reduces bleeding due to hemorrhoids. It also relieves pain, itching, and swelling caused by this condition.
Butcher’s Broom – This plant, also known as box holly, knee holly, and sweet broom, has traditionally been considered an effective natural remedy for treating hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It contains ruscogen, an active compound that fights inflammation, improves vein strength, and contracts distended tissue. However, butcher’s broom is not recommended for people with hypertension or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Pregnant women and people prescribed alpha blockers or MAO inhibitors are also discouraged from using this natural treatment for hemorrhoid relief.
Horse Chestnut: This herb improves blood circulation in the veins. In traditional medicine, horse chestnut is used to relieve swelling and inflammation. Its active compound, aescin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and offers effective relief to hemorrhoid patients.