Child maintenance in Pakistan, Child maintenance law in Pakistan, Child maintenance amount in Pakistan, Child maintenance after divorce in Pakistan, Maintenance of child under Muslim law
Decision on Child Custody Law in Pakistan:
If you wish to get decision on child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The right to test the soundness of a decision in appeal undisputedly is a valuable right conferred on a litigant party by the statute for child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore.
Substantive Rights:
It is a substantive right and cannot be taken away by sub-section (2) of Section 14 of the Act without the express/ clear words to that effect. The constitutional petition would not be maintainable as an alternate remedy of filing an appeal in terms of S. 14(1) (b) of West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, would be available with the petitioner. Judicial review. Ignorance of law displayed by public functionary is nothing short of criminal negligence and amounts the o breach of statutory duty and is amenable to judicial review on child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore. Every citizen of Pakistan and every other person for the time being in Pakistan, and its Article 4 of the Constitution of Pakistan, to the protection of the law treated by the law.
Public Functionary:
Where the law requires something to be done in a particular manner, it is to be done. There is no inherent. Thayer in public functionary or authority can only act within the parameters of the law. It is prima facie sufficient to assume that such action is not good faith and indeed greatness laid in child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore. Family Court is not a Civil Court strict sense; Maintenance allowance. Maintenance as a whole would determine pecuniary Jurisdiction of the appellate Court. Under S. 17-a of West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, if the defendant failed to pay interim maintenance fixed by the trial court, then not only right of defense could be struck off, but decree could also be passed. Setting aside impugned judgment and Decree, High Court directed the appellate court to decide the appeal on merits.
Family Lawyer in Lahore:
Regarding the child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore the maintenance allowed by Family Court is Rs. 500/- per month (presently RS. 1000/-p.m.) or less or appeal is provided; however, wife or her minor is entitled to file an appeal. Interpretation of S. 14(2) (C) to the bar of the right of appeal is a bar or abridgment of the right of appeal as contained in S. 14(2) (c) applies to the judgment debtor and not the decree-holder. All three children joined together and obtained a joint decree, and the amount exceeded one given S. 14 appeal would certainly lie before District Judge, and he would have jurisdiction on child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore.
Amount of Maintenance:
Decree for the amount of maintenance allowance at the rate of Rs. 1,000/- p.m. or less is not appealable, but the plaintiff decree-holder can file an appeal before District Judge to enhance the maintenance allowance. If a decree has been passed against judgment debtor for a sole minor up to Rs. 1,000/- or more than Rs. 1,000/- judgment debtor would be competent to file an appeal before District Judge. Where Family Court has awarded decree up to Rs. 1,000/- or less than Rs. 1,000/-, judgment debtor would not be able to file an appeal before District Court, and remedy of filing of Constitutional petition would be available in child custody law in Pakistan through family lawyer in Lahore. Decree fixing Rs. 1,000/- per person, i.e., becoming Rs. 2,000/- for two minors, decrial amount, would be considered Rs. 2,000/- for appeal as such appeal would lie to the District Court.