U7buyut is the best place for selling FUT 22 coins on the internet, you will find 24/7 service and best price here! There are various combinations of rewards for you to make a decision, we are going to tell you which we think are the most rewarding rewards you can get from TOTS Swaps tokens. To begin with, there are not many rewards worth your attention, even TOTS has been doing well, with a lot of top-notch cards from every league to add to your lineup. You can sell FIFA coins for cash.
The tokens chosen for TOTS Swaps are also good, since this is TOTS players will likely focus on getting new cards so we wouldn’t spend needlessly our hard earned tokens on them, especially when they are affordable now on the market. There are a total of 25 tokens available for TOTS Swaps 1, some of which have already expired. The Prime Icon Moments cards are brilliant, but as said, we’re all about TOTS, so make sure to avoid these cards.
The Premier League TOTS Pack is a solid option that can be paired with EFL, Saudi, Eredivisie and Community guaranteed TOTS packs. Community and Eredivisie Guarantees can be a very great fit if you want guaranteed TOTS from your swaps, but if you prefer to get La Liga TOTS along with the Premier League TOTS Player Choice, then the Ultimate Pack is your best pick.
Perhaps the most valuable reward is the 84+ x25 player pack, which costs 15 five tokens. You can take this pack for LaLiga’s insane TOTS currently available in packs, or save it for other TOTS like Ligue 1, Serie A or Ultimate TOTS coming out in June.