Nikahnama Address in Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:
If you need information on nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan, You may contact Jamila Law Associates. Knowledge as visualized in Art 164, Limitation Act means something more than mere knowledge that decree has been passed in some suit for nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan in some Court but that a particular decree passed in a particular Court in favor of a particular person for particular relief.” Knowledge of counsel by sheer incident without instruction from his client is of no consequence. It may ascertain the date of knowledge from the application for obtaining a copy of the ex parte decree. Limitation to set aside to ex-parte decree Section 9(c) of W.P. Family Courts Act, 1964 provides that application for setting aside ex parte decree be made “within a reasonable time for nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan.”
Rule 13 W.P:
Rule 13 W.P. Family Courts Rules, 1965 provides 30 days for setting aside ex parte decree. The later rule does not align with the Act’s positive provision, would yield to the provision of the Act, and an application to set aside ex parte decree can be filed within a reasonable time. The object of expression reasonable time” used in this section is that in family cases, it should ordinarily decide on merits, and ex parte decree should not be allowed to stand more. Efflux of time unless the aggrieved party is grossly negligent in approaching Court for having it set aside is valid.
Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:
What is “reasonable time” for nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan would depend upon particular facts of each case. Now the words “reasonable time” has been substituted by “thirty days of the service of notice under subs (7) of the passing of the decree by ordinance LV of 2O02, i.e., 01.10.2002, which is a special law, would prevail. Sub-section (6) of S. 9 has been amended to provide 30 days for making an application to set aside ex parte decree. The period is to be considered from the date of passing ex parte order if summons duly served if no valid service effected 30 days will be reckoned from the date of knowledge.
Order Void:
An order void ab initio is to be ignored.’ An incorrect address is given in the objection cannot be decided in a summary manner for nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan. Still, it should decide the same after framing the issue and recording of evidence. Parties were first cousins, husband filming Application for setting aside ex parte decree after one and half years. It did not apply for condonation of delay. Address given by husband in his application was the same as mentioned in the plaint on which initially Family Court sent summons through registered acknowledgment due.
Petitioner was proceeded ex parte according to law. Parties being family members, the husband had full knowledge of the case. No reason to believe that husband did not know that the suit existed was in consideration for nikahnama address in court marriage procedure in Pakistan. Order as to the dismissal of an application by the Courts below, Supreme Court declined to interfere. Order dismissing the application for setting aside ex parte order was appealable.