One of the causes of heartburn is eating inappropriate foods. Foods that cause heartburn in some people may not harm others. Therefore, each person makes a list of undesirable products individually for himself. However, foods are known that lead to an unpleasant burning sensation in the chest most often.
These include the following:
- Sour fruits and vegetables. Lemons, grapefruits, pineapple, oranges contain a lot of acid and with increased secretion of the stomach, they cause heartburn. Tomatoes have the same effect, especially those that are part of various sauces.
- Alcohol enhances the formation of gastric juice, and also irritates the mucosa of the esophagus. More often than others, beer and red wine can cause heartburn. Alcohol is especially harmful to pregnant women.
- Chocolate with a high cocoa content and chocolate desserts (mousses, puddings). These foods cause heartburn because they relax the esophageal sphincter, which allows acid to pass from the stomach into the esophagus. Caffeine works the same way. Therefore, all those suffering from heartburn, including pregnant women, are advised to switch to a safe drink – green tea.
- Fatty foods disrupt the digestion process, they take a long time to digest in the stomach and can easily cause heartburn. This category includes lard, smoked sausages, sausages. Many fats contain nuts, avocados, fatty cheeses. It is not recommended to completely refuse fatty foods. Just try not to end your meal with a greasy piece of cake or cheese. Also be very careful about avocados for its acid reflux properties.
- Spicy food. Foods that cause heartburn: horseradish, garlic, onion, radish, radish. Hot peppers and other spices can lead to a burning sensation in the stomach. It is recommended to first completely eliminate all spicy foods from the diet, and then gradually add them to food and monitor the body’s reaction.
- Fast foods (french fries, hamburger, chips, spicy hot dog) are high in fat, mostly trans fat. In addition, after their use, increased gas formation occurs, the stomach literally bursts, resulting in heartburn and belching.
- Carbonated drinks lead to distension of the stomach, and the consequence of this is the weakness of the esophageal sphincter. Peppermint and mint tea are also considered undesirable drinks for the same reason.
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However, there are also safe dishes that do not cause heartburn:
- Kashi (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), boiled in water, are well absorbing by the body and do not cause heartburn.
- Parsley, dill, lettuce leaves have a positive effect on digestion. They are adding to soups or ready-made salads.
- Weak broths and soups based on them are allowing, with the addition of vegetables, rice or pasta.
- Do not cause heartburn vegetables: beets, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers. Vegetables are stewed or baked.
- Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, they are cooking in boiled or baking form.
- Low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs or soft-boiled eggs, low-fat and mild cheese do not cause flatulence, heartburn and belching.
- Kissels, jelly, marshmallows are allowing with symptoms of digestive discomfort.
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Heartburn diet during pregnancy
It is better for women during pregnancy to exclude all the above products. In order not to cause an attack of heartburn and bloating, you do not need to lean on black bread, sauerkraut, legumes, sour berries and whole milk. It is advisable during pregnancy to reduce the consumption of foods high in starch: potatoes, pasta, flour products.
In pregnant women, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, which leads to a slowdown in digestion. Hence the frequent cases of heartburn during pregnancy.
Expectant mothers will benefit from cereals, boiled meat and fish, omelettes, butter, dried white bread. All drinks and meals must be warm or cold. Too hot or cold disrupts the digestive processes, which causes discomfort in pregnant women. Do not try diets like keto diet, fat protein efficient diet etc during this time. Eat protein rich food during this time for better health.