Adding a rustic touch to your home without spending money is easier than you think. Faux log cabin interior walls may be the solution, and we will discuss some of our most popular methods below! We’ll show you how to make your home feel like a log cabin with these easy-to-use faux logs. Whether it be for the sake of style or necessity, we have something here that will work perfectly!
Types of Faux Logs
Faux Logs come in all shapes and sizes! There’s something for everyone, whether you’re looking to create the perfect atmosphere or want some extra storage. Below are some examples:
Wooden Logs
These are natural wood and can be stained or painted to create a unique appearance. They come in various sizes depending on how large your room is, but they all have one thing in common – their resemblance as if you were looking at an actual tree trunk! If this sounds good for someone who wants something different from what everyone else has, then maybe these might do the trick! Read more about 7 wonders city.
Polyurethane logs
The polyurethane logs are perfect for those who want the look of natural wood without any maintenance worries. They come in many different sizes and can be stained or painted to match your decorating style, making them an affordable alternative that won’t require much upkeep!
Bamboo logs
Bamboo is an eco-friendly material that looks very similar to wood but doesn’t have any natural texture or grain of its own so that it won’t rot or splinter over time either! There are many types available depending on what you need them for. The most popular style would be called “trunk-style logs.”
Foam logs
These are made from foam, lightweight, and easy to work with. They come in many different sizes and can be painted or stained to match your decor. Foam logs are a good option if you’re looking for something cheap and easy to work with.
How to Select the Correct Faux Logs for your Interior Cabin Walls
You might not think that choosing the right type of faux log for your home is essential, but it can have a significant impact on how much natural light spills into any room. Below are a few tips on how to choose:
The Size of your Cabin
The right size log is crucial to consider when building your cabin. If you choose too small ones, they’ll look out of place and may even overwhelm the space with their bulk!
The Style of the Rooms
The type of logs you use in your home is an essential factor when deciding how to make it look like a cabin. You can either go with wooden or bamboo pieces, depending upon what style and decorating vision fits best for each space with faux-logs installed into its design scheme!
Your Budget
The price of faux logs will vary depending on what you’re looking for. However, keep in mind that they don’t always look as realistic or natural compared to their real-life counterparts, so be cautious if this is something important when making your purchase decision.
Installing Faux Logs to your Interior Cabin Walls
Faux logs make an excellent finishing touch to any space, but you must take the time needed to install them. Here are a few things to keep in mind during the installation process:
The Weight of the Logs
Handle heavy logs with care. A single person should never try to handle them alone, and it’s best if you have someone else there who can help out while also wearing gloves so that no one gets splinters from the wood!
Type of Faux Logs
You can either use wooden or bamboo logs for your fireplace. If you’re unsure which one to get, polyurethane and foam ones come in different sizes, so choose according to what kind of room that will fit into best!
When installing your faux logs, you should use a level to make sure they’re straight and even. This will give the walls in your home that professional touch!
Method of Installation
The choice of whether to install your log horizontally or vertically is up for debate. Some people prefer the traditional, whereas others enjoy a more modern look with vertical logs in their homes.
Attaching the Faux Logs to the Wall
Glue up some logs and then brace them with a few nails or screws for extra security. For lighter faux wood materials, use construction adhesive instead of glue because it won’t be strong enough if you’re installing on heavy-duty surfaces like drywall or plasterboard!
Visit our store today, and you’ll be able to give your home an authentic log cabin look with high-quality faux logs. We carry all different types, so no matter what type fits best in your design style or theme of yours, we’ve got it!