“The Human Problems of an Industrialized Civilization and the Hawthorne Studies” is a book of Elton Mayo for Human Relations Theory of management in 1933. In Mayo Motivation theory he explains employees are never motivated by rigid factors like attention and camaraderie but by the lighting, humidity, and monetary rewards. He developed a successful theory called Elton Mayo theory, or Mayo Motivation Theory. It states the possibility of completion of work assigned to the workers. In this article, we are going through Mayo’s theory of Motivation.
Let’s understand the term “Elton Mayo Theory of Motivation”
For the modern human relations management approach, elton mayo’s human relations theory plays a pivotal role. Elton Mayo developed motivation theory which is based on his Hawthorne experiments. In this theory, he explains that how different environmental conditions affect the productivity level of employees. This theory states that any organization can increase the productivity among the employees just by providing the best relational factors like attention and camaraderie and by providing monetary rewards such as lighting and humidity.
All in all, he created one unique complex that is being used to identify the bond to assure that the task which is assigned to the workers can be successfully completes. The matrix created by Mayo has combines different groups.
He created many different positions to show the productivity of a particular group can be changed in certain conditions. And it comprises the norm and cohesiveness of the group. Whether the norm focuses on the negative as well as positive traits which are permitted in the group on the opposite side, cohesiveness indicates that how all the employees of getting along.
Four categories created by Elton Mayo
- Group setting with low Cohesiveness and low Norms
- Group setting with high Cohesiveness and low Norms
- Group setting with high Norms and low Cohesiveness
- Group setting with high Norms and high Cohesiveness
Group setting with low Cohesiveness and low Norms
A group with low cohesiveness and low norms generally has a lack or low motivation which unexpectedly leads to very little or no productivity among all the group members. The reality is that this sort of group might not last very long, and are very poor in the productivity level. In this group, you will see any performance satisfactory.
Group setting with high Cohesiveness and low Norms
The work function of this kind of group is just like gangs, the same things happen in this group. Whether they fall into this category. The productivity level is so hampered in a different setting because of the negativity of each member that directly impacts the whole group. On the other side, the bond between the members makes them very active but it creates negative behavior rather than and positive behavior.
Group setting with high Norms and low Cohesiveness
In this kind of group you able to visualize the positive impact on the productivity of each member. But it is quite little or limited. The main goal of each member of this group is to meet the individual goal and not towards achieving the team goal. They more focus on their individual needs. All members can able to create a massive result individually but in the group, you can’t see any impact on the productivity of others.
Group setting with high Norms and high Cohesiveness
Among all four categories, a team with high norms and high cohesiveness can able to create a massive positive impact on the productivity of each team member. The reason behind the productivity is the support towards each other and they work together to achieve a group goal. You can find out commitment towards their goals and they put the interest of team first and not think individually.
Example of Mayo Motivation Theory:
To prove his theory he conducted an experiment in West Electric’s Hawthorne plant which is located in Chicago city. In this experiment, 29000 workers participated in 1924 and the company opened the door for NRC (National Research Council) to do an experiment that only focuses on workplace lighting and the efficiency of employees.
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