Consumers generally get loans to finance education, debt consolidation, home purchases and other different types of living expenses. A greater number and varieties of consumer loans are available in the loan market, and you can easily choose any type according to your needs and demands. If you are interested in knowing about all these different types of consumer loans, you must keep reading this whole article.
Let’s talk about different types of consumer loans!
#1. Student Loans
Student loans are the type of consumer loans designed to assist the various students in paying for post-secondary costs like supplies, tuition, books, and so many other living expenses. Commonly there are two types of students loans; private student loans and federal loans. If you are studying in Norway, you do not need to borrow money in Norway for your various needs and expenses. Instead of this, you can get federal loans.
#2. Auto Loans
Generally, consumers get auto loans to buy either old or new vehicles and now, if you want to buy a car, you do not need to worry or borrow money from anyone. Typically the term length of auto loans ranges from twenty-four months to sixty months, while the longer auto loan term length ranges with seventy-four or eighty-four months are becoming more common. Most bankers restrict the term length to forty-eight or sixty months for buying older cars because the value of vehicle decrease with time.
#3. Personal Loans
In the consumer lending market, the most versatile type of consumer loan is the personal loan. The other customer loans are taken for specific purposes, while the personal loans are taken for day to day living expenses, credit or vacations building and debt consolidation. The terms of personal loans alter with their uses, and commonly the term lengths for personal loans are under ten years.
#4. Mortage
Mortgage loans are the type of secured loans, and in this type, the customers get the loans by giving their most valuable things as a guarantee to the bankers. The lender keeps their valuable things for a long time until they pay the total amount of loans. There are three types of mortgage loans: commercial property loans, loans against properties, and home loans. Commercial property loans and home loans are taken from the lenders to buy some commercial space and homes. At the same time, the loans against the properties are taken for so many different purposes like for a home renovation, wedding and fund overseas education.
#5. Refinance Loans
As the name suggests that the refinance loans are used for refinancing the loans mentioned above. It can refinance the different types of loans like house loans, even credit loans, education loans and car loans. Refinance loans help borrowers close earlier loans because they have a fixed payment with very low-interest rates.
This article has explained the various important types of consumer loans, and hopefully, you will have understood. If you want to take any information related to consumer loans, then lånepenger is the best option for you.