Practice of Criminal Lawyer in Lahore Pakistan:
If you need services of a practicing criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan you may contact Nazia Law Associates. In practice, many juvenile courts do not bother to defer a sentence but impose a conditional discharge through the criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan. If the child is under fourteen, the maximum fine is £100; over fourteen is f400. In addition (or as an alternative), it can order the child to pay compensation of up to £2,000 for each offense.
Balance Issue:
If the court feels that the offender cannot afford to pay both a fine and balance, preference is given to ordering compensation and not collecting a fine, for when it can make a compensation order). The standard court order is for the parent or guardian to pay the acceptable/compensation; although the court through criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan can agree not to do this if it would be ‘unreasonable.’ The family’s finances must be taken into account when fixing the level of the fine or compensation. The parent or guardian must be given a chance to speak to the court before the sentence is imposed. Attendance center order, It requires the child to attend a local center at stated times. The usual penalty is twelve hours, being served for between one and three hours on alternate Saturday afternoons. It is thus particularly suitable for football hooligans, but generally, it achieves little.
An added problem is that few areas have enough attendance centers available, so some other sentences have to be imposed. It can set it on offenders aged ten to twenty-one. The maximum number of hours to charge is aged ten to thirteen, twelve hours; fourteen to sixteen, twenty-four hours; seventeen to twenty, thirty-five hours. If the offender does not attend when he should, he can be brought back and imposed differently through criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan.
Law Firm in Pakistan:
Regardless of the criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan it is the juvenile court’s equivalent of a probation order. The aim is to give the child long-term help without removing him from home. Apart from allowing general supervision of the child, the order can require him to receive treatment, such as character training, away from home, and attend psychiatric treatment. It can only make the order against a child who is under seventeen. Often it will impose conditions (e.g., to live with parents; curfew; regular appointments with supervisor; to undergo medical treatment).He can be brought back and another sentence imposed (care order; attendance center order; fine of up to £50). Care order through the criminal lawyer in Lahore Pakistan from the top law firm in Pakistan.
The court can put the child into the local authority’s care, assuming all parental rights over him. The local authority must review the order every six months. The local authority decides what sort of home it should send the child to, but, more often than not, it is a question of finding any home with vacancies prepared to take the child. Sometimes, the child will be allowed to remain at home; the child will know that if further offenses are committed, then transfer to a children’s Home is likely to result.