We need a blood test when we are sick, so do we need a blood test if we are not sick? The answer is yes. In the regular physical examinations we usually do, blood tests are a must. The reason is that blood tests can not only assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment but the various indicators and data of blood tests can also be used to evaluate a person. The health condition of the patient allows the latent disease to be detected as soon as possible. There are different types of blood tests that can help diagnose different types of diseases. In this article, we will let you know different types of blood tests and their importance in our daily routine life.
Coagulation test
If an abnormal level may be associated with some of the symptoms you are experiencing, your healthcare provider will likely want you to undergo a blood test called a coagulation panel. This particular blood test measures red blood cell count and white blood cell count. When abnormal levels may be associated with some of your symptoms, it is important that you go for a coagulation panel in order to make sure that there is nothing wrong. If you do experience moderate anemia, it may be due to your iron deficiency, so you will not have to worry about that. If you do experience extremely high levels, your doctor may want you to undergo a colonoscopy, which is a process in which a colonoscopy probe is inserted into your digestive tract.
Lipid blood test
Your healthcare provider may also order a test called a fasting lipid profile. This particular blood test measures the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL. When there is a high ratio of LDL to HDL, this indicates that you may be at risk for cardiovascular disease. For example, the common blood tests for cardiovascular disease that include a fasting lipid profile test are the fasting lipid test, the cholesterol panel test, and the triglycerides and lipids panel test. In this post, you can learn more about the importance and value of different blood tests.
Peripheral arterial blood test
Your doctor may also order a test called a peripheral arterial blood test or the peripheral vasculoplois test. With a peripheral arterial blood test, your healthcare provider will draw blood from only one side of your heart. The test will measure the production of pore-clogging lipid deposits that may be present in coronary heart disease. There are many other types of blood tests that can help diagnose coronary heart disease, but these are some of the most common ones.
Why blood test is important?
When it comes to blood tests, everyone is familiar with it. It is a test of human blood to obtain information on the causes and changes of the patient’s disease, the functional state of the body’s organs, etc. Your healthcare provider will draw out a blood sample in order to test for various conditions, such as HIV, Hepatitis B, or syphilis. Because each condition has its own symptom presentation, your doctor provider will discuss it with you before drawing any blood samples.