Remember when you were stressing over what you can to do relieve your stress. Well, if you are a person who has an eye for organizing stuff around and getting rooms to look spotless or just clean then here is an article that will help you understand how cleaning is a form of therapy for some of us.
Cleaning apart from making your home look organized also helps you focus better on the tasks at hand and also helps you get things done more efficiently. You cannot be at peace of mind or get your mind to meditate unless the environment around you is in order. This is a very debatable sentence. However, a survey conducted by the yale university amongst college students it is proven that a lot of them get a sense of reduced stress and anxiety after cleaning their rooms.
We are facing a world pandemic for the last two years and it is okay to feel down. So, If you are thinking that it’s about time I organize my life and psyche we suggest you can start that by organizing your room. Only if that would be easier for you because maybe you are a concrete person and you need the concrete tasks to motivate yourself.
For instance, you get up and organize your desk. What exactly do you think you are getting in order? Are you organizing your field of being or the objective world? It’s obviously about yourself. There is a Buddhist belief that at the highest level of psychological integration there is no difference between you and what you experience. Now, you might be thinking, how could that possibly be true when I can’t control everything I experience? And there is no objection to that because you cannot control yourself anyways.
So to feel a little sense of integration in your life, you tend to lean towards doing things you can experience all by your own decisions. And cleaning is one of the first things that help you feel this way. There is a lot of importance we give to this unintentionally. Your workspace, school, any place is cleaned every day. Why? Because people don’t prefer untidy surroundings and why is that because we connect the unorganized mess to our life. It might sound too deep when read but it’s just basic thoughts for all of us.
And if you feel like you are too busy to give time for cleaning but your home or space being out of order is bugging you. We live in the twenty-first century and we have services for almost everything why not make use of it. There are cleaning services ranging from industrial cleaning to bedroom cleaning and rearrangement.
Cleanliness is also a sign of your mental clarity and healthy mind. It is also a very important part of discipline which is a vital part of surviving. It is more than safe to say cleaning or organizing your space is one of the most satisfying feelings you can have, especially if you are or have been stuck in cortisol saturated adrenal fatigue exhaustion loop. It is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and is definitely worth giving it a shot.