Like human beings, machinery, and everything else in the world, cars can develop various sorts of issues, which can negatively impact their functioning or even just taint their beauty and appearance. Car dents are the most common type of issue that makes them look less appealing. If you are renting a car, you will never want to get one that has a dent in it.
What if you rent a perfectly beautiful car and get a dent in it? It can happen anytime and anywhere, but you will not be able to return the car with a dent in it unless you pay for the damages. Some service providers even get a huge deposit and refuse to pay it back for the sake of covering, which is obviously less than that. You must be aware of the type of dents and try to avoid them to not land into any such issue.
Give a detailed read to this article to learn and explore the car dent types you need to watch out for if you do not want your deposit to be held for damages.
Top 6 Types of Dents to Avoid Getting in Rental Cars
Nothing else can make a car look more hideous than dents. The new vehicles often do not get them too easily unless the damaging force is too great, but the older vehicles can get dents even from fast blowing air. Whatever the case, if you are renting a car, you must know the types of dents to make sure you do not get them on it.
Here are some of the major types of car dents you must avoid getting into the rental cars;otherwise, you will have to pay for the damages.
Sharp Dent
Sharp dents are one of the most common and frequently occurring types of car dent you need to watch out for. This type of dent occurs when a sharp object screeches along the exterior. It can be another vehicle or even stones. This type of dent can even take place when your rental car is parked and make you liable to pay for damages. This is why many people opt for car rental Dubai no deposit options, so they are not robbed of it in lieu of damages and pay them fairly.
Creased Dent
Creased dents are one of the worst types of car dents you needto watch out for. Such dents occur when objects like bicycles, trees, or bushes screech along the exterior. Creases dents can even remove the paint from the panels. So, dent removal will require a professional paint job, which may add up to your losses. You should always be careful not to drive too closely with such objects and maintain a safe distance to avoid getting creased dents.
Car Dings
Another common type of car dents you should try to void getting in the rental cars is the car dings. Such dents are usually half an inch long or even shorter, so they are not highly visible. Car dings often do not hurt the paint, which is why getting them fixed is easier. The major cause of car dings is not closing the door carefully or something bumping into it. You can easily avoid them by being a little careful.
Round Dents
Round dents are also one of the most common types of car dent that look the worst but are easy to fix. These dents occur due to a ball hitting the car. The size of the dents can differ and get bigger with the size of the ball. You must never park your rental car at a place where children are playing or have a playground near to avoid the issue altogether.
Hail Dents
As the name suggests, hail dents are the type of car dents that occur due to hailing. If you live in an area where hailing is quite common, it can leave your rental car looking full of small and big dents, depending upon the severity of the hailstorm. If the paint is intact, it might be easier to fix the hail dents. However, you have a greater responsibility of being careful and cautious, so try to park in a covered space if there is any prediction of a hailstorm.
Multipoint Dents
The last and most critical type of car dents you should watch out for is the multipoint dents. This type of dent usually occurs after the vehicle is involved in an accident or collision. The removal of such dents can require paint treatment too. Your rental package may cover accident damages or not, so you should get car rental Dubai with no deposit plans to avoid escalation of issues and make sure to pay for damages separately if you are liable for them.
Are you well versed in dent terminology now?
Now that you know about the type of damage, you will be able to be more careful about them. Still, to be on the safe side, make sure to rent from dealers that do not demand deposits. So, contact the professional car dealers now to rent a perfect car and make sure you return it as it is too.