Most gift cards carry an expiration date that’s listed on the back of the card. This means that at some point if you don’t use your gift card, you will no longer be able to access any value associated with it, so you may consider cashing out on it instead.
If you’re looking to get the most cash possible out of your gift card or want to trade gift cards, you have a few options when it comes to redeeming your gift card for cash.
How to Get the Most Money By Trading Gift Cards?
If you’re considering trading your gift cards for cash, there are many things to consider. The exact amount of money you can get back depends on which of these variables are most important to you: Whether a card needs to be activated or not.
If a card is brand new and has not been activated yet, it will only have $0.00 on it, meaning that you won’t receive anything when trading it. However, if you trade an already-activated card, some websites may offer more than others.
Also, some websites offer more for certain brands (for example, Starbucks). This means that even if two cards have similar balances on them ($50), one might still be worth more than another because of its brand name.
What Are Some of the Best Places to Sell My Card?
If you’re wondering where to trade gift cards, it depends on your individual needs. If you have an older car that’s no longer of use to you, but have a little left on its balance, checking out sites like GCBuying may be an option.
The sites like GCBuying will buy your unused gift card at a good price. However, it’s important to understand these are typically cash-back opportunities rather than a full value trade. You’ll also want to check with your bank; some offer special incentives and promotions for trading gift cards in-house.
Tips to Get the Most Money When Trading Gift Cards
Follow these tips to maximize your cash return when trading gift cards.
Step 1: Figure out which merchant will give you more money, based on your gift card’s trade-in value at each retailer. Some merchants may give a higher cash value than others do for your plastic present, so it’s important to do some shopping around before choosing one retailer over another.
For example, if you have a $100 Applebee gift card and want to know how much money you can get for it at Best Buy or Target, visit their websites and search Applebee’s gift card to trade gift cards. You should see an online offer that tells you how much they are willing to pay for your plastic present.
Step 2: Calculate how much money you can get by visiting sites like PlasticJungle or Cardpool that allow consumers to buy and sell unwanted gift cards online. These companies work with multiple retailers, so you might be able to get more money for your plastic present depending on where it was purchased.
If you have a $100 Applebee gift card from Target and want to find out what kind of deal you could get from Plastic Jungle or Cardpool, just enter Applebee’s Gift Card Target into either site’s search bar. You will get the value of it. In these ways, you can trade gift cards online.