CBD oil and THC oil are not the same. However, they share various similarities. For example, they have both been hailed as useful products for individuals who deal with anxiety and similar symptoms. If you’ve suffered from the racing thoughts that accompany anxiety, and wish to seek a natural way to medicate — continue reading. Here are the facts when it comes to using THC and CBD oil for a healthier and happier life!
What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?
To understand how these two oils affect the body, it’s important to note their main differences. What makes one the right choice for you? While both THC and CBD come from the same plant, they have different effects on the body. THC is a psychoactive substance, meaning it does have mind and body altering properties that can include: a sense of elevation, impaired judgment, auditory hallucinations, and even a distorted sense of time. It’s also more potent than CBD. Many individuals believe THC gives a mind AND body, high — whereas the other, CBD, only affects the mind to invoke peace. THC is also illegal in several states, whereas, CBD is more readily available — and yes, LEGALLY available to purchase at most wellness shops. Even though THC has a more dramatic effect on the body and brain, this does not mean it’s something to be afraid of! That’s not to say CBD, on the other hand, CAN’T be effective — many people prefer using CBD products, as they can offer the other benefits of THC, without the other psychoactive effects.
Anxiety Relief Benefits of THC
THC appears to decrease feelings of anxiety. In a study done by the University of Washington and The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute found THC helped many people cope with anxiety, especially people with antisocial disorder. They also found that the drug helped study participants with short-term relief. Marijuana is composed of 500 different substances. Only a few of these, and their effects have been studied, so it’s hard to point to the exact compounds that can affect your mood when ingested or applied topically.
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Anxiety Relief Using CBD
CBD works by interacting with the many receptors in your body. Receptors are chemical structures that are attached to your cells that receive the signals from the stimuli you interact with on a daily basis. Touch a hot stove? Your body tells you to react right away to avoid further injury? Pull a soft sweater over your head? These neat chemical structures allow you to enjoy the softness of the fabric against your skin! Also, make sure to consult the best psychologist in delhi to get the best advice.
These receptors also respond to CBD oil and other related products, affecting your serotonin signals. Low serotonin levels are typically found in people who have anxiety and depression. When your mood is low, this neurotransmitter goes down with it. Many people opt for antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which can regulate your mood and increase feelings of happiness.
But what can be said about those with anxiety? The National Institute of Drug Abuse has released that individuals who take CBD regularly may be able to lower their stress levels, without taking prescribed medication to manage their condition.
Why Go the Natural Route?
So, now you can see that using CBD and THC oil can help offer relief with anxiety disorder. But why opt for a cannabinoid in the first place? Many people may turn to these solutions if they cannot afford a prescription for antidepressants or SSRIs. Medical marijuana exists for this reason. However, others may opt to take THC or CBD if they want to avoid the side effects some prescriptions may cause such as decreased libido, worsened anxiety and depression, mood swings, headaches, and loss of appetite. Please make sure to check out lifestyle related content at naronanews.
Which One Should I Choose?
Both CBD and THC oil from this Lapeer provisioning center can offer relief for anxiety. In fact, many people use these substances as a natural way to treat the unwanted symptoms that come with the disorder. Due to their properties, both are able to soothe your body and mind to allow you to ground yourself, and find comfort in the midst of dealing with anxiety.
So, which one can you choose? This depends on two things — legality and preference! CBD is widely available, meaning it may be easier to opt for this version of the cannabinoid. However, if you have the option to choose both, consider what you want! THC oil is a cannabinoid with strong psychoactive properties, so use this wisely for anxiety. CBD, however, is something you can take at any time of day — without worrying about the aftermath. When you consider these factors, there’s no reason you can’t find the best option for you along your personal mental health journey!