Addiction treatment is a complex thing seeing as addiction in itself is a complex health condition. There are several ways one can be treated well out of addiction but not all addiction treatment works for all. And that’s why doctors and therapists conduct an extensive diagnosis so that they can identify which approach would work best for them.
Biofeedback therapy is such an approach that will only be taken by the medical professional if the person has the capability to receive such treatment. Biofeedback is a psychotherapy treatment for suboxone addiction norton and we are here to tell you all about it.
What is biofeedback therapy?
Biofeedback is a treatment, essentially a technique that helps a person to control their body’s functions. During conducting such treatment the patient would be connecting to electrical sensors so that you can receive on-time data about your body.
With this feedback, the patient will be able to make subtle changes in your body, for example relaxing certain muscles to get result according to the receivers nee. With this treatment of substance addiction, the patient would be able to lessen their pain and lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms, etc.
Essentially, when you will be out under biofeedback therapy you will adapt to a new way to control your body.
Kinds of biofeedback therapy
Biofeedback sublocade treatment is a versatile addiction recovery procedure. The therapist will apply different types of biofeedback therapy to identify which are working properly on you and according your current state.
- The therapist would place scalp sensors on your head to read the brain waves by using an electroencephalograph.
- To monitor the patient’s breathing pattern and respiratory pattern, bands will be placed around your abdomen and chest.
- Sensors would be placed on the fingers and earlobe to detect the changes in blood volume. Or the therapist can also put sensors on your torso and wrists, and then with the help of an electroencephalograph, they will get information about your heart rate and heart rate varies.
- The therapist at suboxone treatment centers norton can also place sensors over the skeletal muscles to monitor the electrical activity that is responsible for muscle contraction.
- Sensors would be attached on your palm, around the fingers and/or wrists to measure the activity on your sweat glands with electrodermograph. This will help the therapist to know what is alerting your anxiety and the perspiration amount on your skin.
- Because our temperature often drops when we are feeling stressed, the therapist will also monitor when the patient feels most stressed. For that, sensors would be attached to your hands and feet to check the blood flow to your skin.
The procedure of biofeedback
If you are getting all nervous about biofeedback, then you can become well-prepared by learning how suboxone centers will conduct the addiction treatment.
You already got the idea about how the initial stages of biofeedback sessions would go. The therapist would put sensors on you at first. These sensors would be attached to monitor your heart rate, muscle contractions, sweat glands, temperature, breathing pattern, and brain waves.
With the real-time data, you will learn how to control them as the real-time changes can be seen on the monitor. You can bring change to your body by controlling your thinking, emotions, and behaviour.
With each session at the sublocade treatment centers, you will learn how to stop getting tensed, control anxious feelings, etc. In essence, you’ll be learning healthy coping mechanisms that will stop you from craving substances.
Biofeedback therapy might be very effective but not all clinics offer such treatment, Hence, if you want to include such therapy in your addiction treatment procedures, then you have to conduct an online search to identify which clinic would offer this treatment. Just search for suboxone centers near me and it will be enough.