A bill of sale is a record that transfers ownership of goods from one person to another. There are specific requirements for how the bill of sale must be written down on paper and signed by both parties in Oregon. The form should include information about transferring ownership, selling, and where the transaction occurs. If you want to sell your car in Oregon but do not know what a bill of sale looks like or how it works, this article will guide you through all the details!
The bill of sale should include:
- The title and the residence address of the individual transferring ownership are also called the seller or transferor.
- A description, including make, model, year manufactured, and VIN (vehicle identification number). Make sure to include any damage that might have happened during a collision or other accident.
- The amount you are selling your car (a dollar figure) can only be an estimate because it does not pay to put down too low of a price if someone offers you more money.
- A date on which the bill was written so that both parties know when they agreed to these terms. It must usually fall within 30 days from today.
- The signature of both parties; this is where you, the seller, will sign your name.
- And finally, a bill of sale template that records all these details protects both parties from any future disagreements about the terms they have agreed upon.
Why do you need to have a bill of sale template?
The bill of sale is a legally binding contract, but it also protects both parties from any future disagreements about the terms they have agreed upon. Because there exist so many moving parts to buying and selling cars, having a bill of sale template ensures that nothing has been missed or justify out in the agreement, and both parties can move forward without any concerns.
The bill of sale template is just one step in the process of buying or selling a car, but it’s an important one. The better you prepare for this transaction, the less likely it will be those future disagreements about what was agreed upon arise at all!
If you are looking for a bill of sale template Oregon, look no further than Forms.legal. They have an array of templates that get customized to your needs, and they offer them at affordable prices. Check out their site today!