Essential Oils are essential to natural health overall. They have a rich history dating back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Essential oil aromatherapy dates back at least to the 16th century when botanists recommended essential oils for their fragrant qualities, but only in the last century has essential oil use spread into mainstream modern medicine as a powerful healing agent.
Essential Oils contain terpenes that aid in the treatment of pain, inflammation and anxious feelings. Natural essential oils found within plants and herbs which can cause a variety of results such as:
* Various types of sedative effects
* Anti-anxiety properties
* reduce anxiety attacks
* Sedation to lower heart rates and blood pressure
* An analgesic (pain killer) for aches and pains.
How Essential Oils Work?
Essential oils are made up of different compounds that have the ability to alter and enhance certain bodily functions when introduced into the body. The essential oils themselves do not actually contain these essential properties but it is the terpenes present within them which provides benefits.
Aromatherapy can be used both externally and internally depending on what you want to achieve, however essential oil manufacturers will often produce a range of essential oils for each use.
Essential oils contain a number of ingredients that have profound effects on people’s health. Benefits include combating insomnia and anxiety, reducing nausea.
How Much Essential Oil Should I Use?
The amount you need depends on which essential oil you are using and how your body reacts to the essential oil. Essential oils such as lavender require less because they are sedative in nature therefore only requires little amounts at a time, whereas essential oils like peppermint essential oil can be used in larger quantities because it is very strong and can be used for purposes such as cleaning.
The essential oils you use will depend on your needs, the essential oils should contain all the information about the essential oil itself as to how much essential oil that one person can use at any given time, and therefore it is important to check this before use each and every day.
How Should I Take Them?
Essential oils are traditionally down by either inhaling or taking orally (swallowing). Both of these methods are natural ways to enable the body to treat pain, inflammation, anxious feelings and other benefits related to essential oils. Some essential oils come already prepared for direct application on the skin or others essential oils are already included in food and drink.
It is essential to ensure that you read all the information about your essential oil such as the ingredients list, warnings etc. before use.
Do Essential Oils Really Work?
There have been many scientific studies performed on essential oils proving their effectiveness in regards to pain relief and a reduction of feelings of anxiety amongst other things. There also seems to be a very significant difference between taking essential oils by inhaling them compared to drinking them which can actually cause adverse health effects because essential oils should not be taken orally (swallowed) unless you consult with an expert first or it has been specifically geared for oral consumption.
So essential oils can be a very powerful and effective way of treating certain ailments however essential oils are not for everyone and should only be used under strict medical supervision.
When using essential oils, it is important to ensure the oil you are buying is 100% pure and that they do not contain any additives or chemicals.
How Do You Get Essential Oil Product?
Terry’s Natural Market in Pueblo, CO encourages customers to educate themselves about Essential Oils and other products of their store so that they can purchase Essential Oils and other Products online and also from store with complete confidence.