Who would’ve thought that a time will come when people will need top rated junk removal Vallejo services to get rid of the clutter in their closet. Well, it’s certainly a reality.
There’s no denying the fact most people have messy closets. I’m guilty of having one too. No matter how I try to keep it organized, it always turned into piles of clothes and accessories after every few days. And my habit of shopping didn’t help the cause either.
However, every once in a while I follow this comprehensive guide that I’m going to share with you here. It helps to keep my closet in a decluttered and well-kempt state. So, without further ado, let’s start our closet cleaning guide:
Gather Cleaning Supplies
The first step is to gather the supplies you will require to clean the closet. Doing this will help to declutter in a more effective and less time-consuming way.
You will need the following things for a successful closet declutter mission:
At least donation bags and boxes to store sorted clothing.
Trash bags to keep shoes, clothes, accessories, and other miscellaneous stuff you would want to get rid of.
Several cleaning supplies, including a broom, mop, all-purpose cleaner, vacuum, and, at least, two clean cloths.
Lastly, you will need time and a lot of time. Ideally, you should embark on this mission during the weekend. IF possible, get a friend on board. A helping hand here can definitely make things easy.
Take Everything Out
Next, take out all the stuff you have accumulated over the years. You will be surprised to find certain items. And of course, embarrassed to see some products. Furthermore, it’s not uncommon to feel agonized at yourself for shopping for certain things that you have never worn or used. It’s a been there done that situation for all of us. So, go easy on yourself and take out everything.
Deep Clean the Whole Closet
This part may seem easy, but only to those who have smaller closets. Those with big closers, especially with multiple compartments will find it difficult to deep clean the entire closet. But, it’s important to do so because it’s not every day you have taken all the stuff out of the closet, So, salvage this opportunity and thoroughly clean your closet.
Don’t forget to clean the door. You can also use baking soda to get rid of any lingering odor.
Sort Your Belongings into Different Categories
Next, and the most important step, is to sort your belongings, all of them, into different piles. Be it clothes, shoes, accessories, or any other miscellaneous item, do not leave anything behind.
You need to make the following four piles:
- Keep: this is where the stuff that you want will be kept.
- Consign: this pile will contain the stuff that you don’t use but are in a good condition. You can sell it to earn some money.
- Donate: here’s all the donate-worthy items will be kept. Make sure to not put unusable items here.
- Toss: place all the junk here. All the items that no longer can be used or you don’t want anymore, place into the junk pile.
Get Rid of the Toss Pile
Do it as early as possible, otherwise, it will gradually make its way back to your closet. There are many ways you can do this. However, the easiest among all is to hire the best junk removal services by 3 Kings Hauling & More. They will take the junk from your home and dispose of it in a safe and eco-friendly manner.
For the donation pile, contact a local charity center or any other organization that accepts charity. Again, this step must be done at the earliest.
Rearrange the Stuff
This is the final step of the closet decluttering mission. At this point, your closet will be completely empty, while all the stuff will be lying around on the floor. Now, tactfully decide the arrangement of the items so that everything’s easily accessible. If the closet contains different compartments, allocate each for a certain category of items. For example, accessories should be kept in one place. Similarly, clothes you wear to work should be hanged on the rod. Regular use apparel can be kept in any other compartment.
The Takeaway
The process, is definitely, challenging. But, it’s rewarding as well. Once you are done cleaning and decluttering your closet, you will feel lighter and relaxed. However, make sure it doesn’t turn the same way it was earlier in a matter of few days. Try and keep it declutter by placing items in allocated compartments/sections only. Otherwise, you’ll have to go through the entire ordeal again.